Had a die-hard mainstream audio guy come in awhile back looking for a 12". I showed him some DD stuff, but he wasn't convinced. He had been looking at other shops and prices a few things. I showed him the little package were are doing w/ a DD2500d2 and an M80...gave him the price, he was amazed. Still kinda apprehensive though, then I showed him some pics of my box builds...he dropped money for a box right there. Also reserved a DD2512D2, m80, and pioneer p4000ub.
Well, he came in for the install today w/ a buddy. His buddy kept talking abour WTF is DD? I explained it was US made and dam good stuff...then went in the bay to put the stuff in his mustang. I got him to pull the car around when I was done to I could set the gain.
Well...both of their tunes changed when they heard the 2512. (hell, is surprized me even)...I played a few songs and used the "Loud As Hell" cd to set the gain. While doing so, the rearview mirror BROKE OFF and nearlyy hit me in the head. The guys friend was in the car w/ me when it happened. He was like, "i have never seen that happen"
the 2500 and when i get sum time ill make sure to come by.. i might go nxt wednesday after my school does some thing with a food bank.. thats when i went last time