Diamond D661s if you can find them...don't get the new D662s if you can avoid it; they don't sound as good. And make sure you amp them otherwise they'll sound like crap. If you've got a couple extra bucks, you can get the Diamond HEX S600s (next step above the D6's) for just over $200 shipped, but you don't get the warranty.
What's the model of the amp? What kind of power is it putting out? Are you gonna run it as 3 or 5 channels? The model numbers I listed are for 6.5's, btw.
There are a lot of options out there, the main things that are going to limit you are budget and power capabilities. $200 doesn't give you a lot of options really.
We need to know two things to start: the amount of power you will be supplying, and what is your maximum budget?
im pretty sure its 700 watts at 5 channels its one of the digital amps an i really ont wanna go over 200 but will if i have too. Btw i only spent 180 a piece on my subs brand new with warranty
I'm guessing that's the ZX700.5 (since that's the only 5 channel kicker amp I know of). It's pushing 70x4 + 210x1 at 4ohms and 85x4 + 420x1 at 2 ohms.
If you're going to run it as a 5 channel, I'd suggest the Diamond D662s cause then you won't be underpowering them (the D661s are a little more power hungry).
I don't know if it will run as a 3 channel or not as I haven't messed with this specific amp...the birthsheet or manual should say so. If it will that opens up a couple more options, but honestly it sounds to me like you're just trying to improve the sound in your vehicle, not build an sq or spl machine.
Really for any decent set of components you'll most likely need to push at least 150-170w to each of them, if not more towards 200-250w. You're amp should handle a nicer set of comps if you can do the 3-channel, but it's really dependent on how far you want to go and whether or not you want to amp your rears.
Sorry if I'm not being real helpful...I'm just trying to gage what will fit you best, and it's a little hard over the internet.