Okay, I got some good feedback on choosing a sub for my friend's system. I have four subs that I'm considering and I want opinions on which would be the best choice of these and why. The amp he'll be using is an Eclipse XA 1000 that's rated at 480 watts X 1 @ 2ohms with 14.4 volts. Box will probably be slot ported at whatever the recommended optimal size is. We're looking for good sound quality with a little more emphasis on SPL. This is for one 12". The choices are:
DC Soundlab Level 3 Audioque SDC 2.5 American Bass XO RE SE
Okay, I think I'm going to go with either the DC level 3 or the RE SE. Between those two, which would be better for overall sound quality and which for output? Sub will be installed in a 2.5 cu.ft. slot port box that is tuned to around 28Hz. Thanks for your help once again.
Scoot knows what he's talking about so i would go with the DC and i'm no expert but 28hz seems extremely low those level 3's are know to be low end monsters i would go with more of 35-40 hz
Okay, so I looked into getting a DC level 3 and the nearest shop wants $380 plus $35 to ship. Does that sound right? Checked a couple other places and they were close to that too. So the RE SE is a no brainer at this point. $150 shipped, case closed. I appreciate everyones help. Thanks again.