what can it be from?? what are things to check... the car is a 97 accord sedan se.. i have a red top optima under the hood and the focus series eathquakes in the front doors ran off of a a6004t. i have one speaker on channel 1/2 and the other on 3/4 (bridged) i use to have one speaker on channel 1 and the other one channel 2 and it still buzzed.. but now it buzzes louder the it gets louder when my RPMs get higher. what are things i can check?? thanks for all the help. (they are component speakers)
take your RCAs in your HU out, take a speaker wire from each RCA(make the wire hook so that it will stay in place when you plug in your RCAs + make sure its only touching the outer edge of the RCA when you plug theRCA back in.) then connect the other end of the speaker wire to a ground anywhere. i used my CD players ground.
lucas please stop, "buzzing" does not equate to alternator whine or whistle. the highs "buzzing" is a diff issue. chances are you might and i mean MIGHT have a alternator whine but i've ran the dual units in my friends cars, tyically the alt whine is non existant in that unit. the best soloution is take M.S. advice and diagnose each one from unit to unit.
lol.. i didin't really understand how to check my RCAs.. but i turned down the amp a bit and it stopped stop.. its there but not really noticable... i can live with it and the highs still get plenty loud
D check you rca's make sure they are connected fully. also make sure your amp is grounded properly. Did you sand the paint down and grd it correctly or did you doa quick job cause trust me it makes a big diffrence. But my bet would be a lose rca's so do what MS said above to diagnose the problem