i know there are posts about this but i couldnt find them. i wanna know how to find the peak fq of my mazda truck (ford ranger) box is tuned to 36hz if that matters
can you get your hands on a sealed box... Doesn't really have to be to exact specs for your subs... If you can put your subs in that box and have it metered on a TL and find out what FREQ. you get the best reading on... Or you can stuff your port and do the same thing just dont go crazy trying to get killer #'s.. Do it at about 1/2-3/4 volume and see where you peak...
what i am learning that tuning the same freq as ur car is bad. it has cancelation. the best way if ur looking for spl is tune it low and meter it.. cut and inch off the port, then meter it
One of the ways you can do this is get a sub and place it in a sealed enclosure that provides a flat curve and test the spl one frequency at a time making note of your results and make sure you test at near max volume that the sub can play.
what if he makes a 4 ccu ft. box and makes a 26 sq. inch port that is interchangable and starts it @ 35 hz. and like BLK said just keep cutting back till he gets his peak.. say its @ 42.. will it still be 42 if he makes his box 5 cu.ft and 75 sq. inches port?
ya.. like if he has a certain size of box with a certain size of interchangable port and find his peak like that... then he makes a different size of box with a different size of port will it had the same peak or will it change b/c of different cu ft. and port area