Well, I just got wind of an install that a local audio dealer finish yesterday. They built it for my SPL Comp
This actually gets me very excited, as in the past no other dealers were interested in SPL. Hell, when I handed out fliers the last 2 years...most places pretty much dropped em in the trash! Now there is actually another local place wanting to take part in the show.
A regular came in the shop today and said he got to see their vehicle. It a van (astro he thinks) w/ a 'wall' or 6-12's. I thought, hell thats great...someone other than me, cory, nickv, trevor, and dave will put up more than 150dB!
But then he dropped a little more info...the wall is three 2-12 prebuild 600wrms MTX boxes stacked up w/ 3 mtx amps.
I wonder what this one does?
Either way, cool to see another shop actually putting up a little effort.
Another system I wondering about is the little Nissan Versa I am playing w/. Did 143.7dB in it w/ 2 1508's on a m1a @ 2ohm. I redid the box for 2 2510's and I'm sticking it on 2 m1a's strapped at 1ohm. I will have no time to test it, I'm just sticking a kinetik hc2000 back there an letting it rip.
Not all that loud, but pretty loud given that I use a 2-8 box and just recut it for 10's. Literally no tuning or thought went into it, just scrap wood and a 6" port flare-to-flare.
Its loud enough that alot of the locals what talk chit will STFU.