thanks for your interest.. im new here been reading for a While though.
Basically im about to buy my self a new sub and amp pachage for my car but can not decide between two... }} 1) 1x 12" Alpine type R (SWR-1242D 1500W/500RMS)SUB and Alpine PDX-1.600 600W rms AMP
2) 1x Pioneer 12" TSW-3001D4 100W RMS SUB AND EITHER Alpine MRP- M850 800W rms AMP or maybe a Kenwood KAC - 9104D 9001 rms AMP to go with it
(these are the only products i am interested in so please don't reccomend others i need to decide from the above)
So basically im just stuck and cannot decide so i am hoping some of your advice could help me.. which pachage do i go for?? I want loud bass ofcourse but i dont want it to be silly loud where all i can here is bang bang bang you know? i do want to be able to enjoy the rest of the music, whith getitng a head ache hehe..
hope to get alot of advice and all of it will be fully appreciated..