That's only if you don't train them properly. Kevin, make sure to train that bird as if it were a person because they learn all their habits both good and bad from people. Awesome, awesome gift and it's a beautiful bird. I had a military and he was a handful but I got him from abusive owners so he was kind of bi-polar and would be nice one second and biting my face off the next.
Yea, they had a military at a local pet shop. I know a breeder local and she hand feeds and plays with the birds while under her care unlike alot of breeders.
We are going to train him though. You got to make sure he doesn't train you though haha. I want a Black Palm Cockatoo hehe.
My ex's sis had a McCaw. When those things squawk you hear it 2 blocks away! It could snap pencils with it's beak with ease. Fun bird though. Smart as well. Hers could let himself out of his own cage and back in b4 she would get home.
Yea, we are cooking woth stainless only now. Once we get a play stand for him in living room, we can go back to some teflon, but as of now he spends 90% of time in kitchen area so no go for that.
nice how much does one of them birds cost? i have an iguana and had it for 2 years ands its 4 feet long. what do u feed the bird and what kind of daily work do u have to do for it?
Tyler, you can feed the bird almost everything you eat. there are a few things that will kill him, but most he can eat. As long as it has no or little salt, he can eat it. We usually give him eggs, chicken, peas, carrots, beans, rice, bread, and few other things.
Daily wise, I just get him out, and he sits on the dog gate where we lock them up at night. Then I play with him during the day and he plays with little dog toys and such.
PS: Normal cost on the bird is $2000, but I know a breeder and she has a couple of birds. She has one more left from his batch.
They can live to more than 125 years, take several years to train, will create a lot of messes especially when they get tempermental and throw there food lOl. Great birds though, quite intelligent but refrain from swearing around him/her or you could end up with an embarrasing moment when company is around. Polo.
"will create a lot of messes especially when they get tempermental and throw there food lOl. "
Lol, for sure. My bird used to toss all his food on the floor when he was pissed right after filling his bowl. He'd also flip his water bowl over and I'd have to clean that up too. That's the problem when you get a bird that's 2nd hand, the first owner fugged him up =/
He tried that throwing food crap one night. Took it out and his @ss sit there for a while without food. You got to train them, or they will train you. He has 1 bad habit now, and tries to stay on back of the chair at kitchen table. I usually give him 3 chances them put his butt in the cage. He is a hand full that's for sure.
LOL! Naw, not that old haha. They are 4 years old. She wants the front loading ones next go around. Females and their willing to spend money. Just like her $300 mixer and $500 vacuum haha.