I just got 2 type r 12'' subs. I wanted to know whats the best amp out there to use? I have a 1000 watt American Eagle amp and a Cuspid U.S.A Model AM-4320 1200 watt amp. Which one is better? Are both amps bullshyt? And should I get a bass cap? If so what kind? I'm looking for quality more so than thump.
A good AMP for those is always a Rockford AMP. If you want a very good AMP than JL but a JL will set you back a good $700 or so. You can always go with Kicker or Alpine. A RF AMP for those would probably run you 200 or less (judging because i do not have your sub ratings). No cap is needed. I'll tell you now the AMP quality makes all the differance in thump and the AMP you got now are not the best.
hiphopanonymous, sorry to cross-post or what ever you call it but is that 800W RF a newer AMP- i just wanted to know how you like it and its over all preformance because i want to get one soon?
Yea, i like it very much. it's been giving me constant power whenever i've needed it. i got the older rf models. it's blown one of my 15's and one of my 10's already. hopefully, it don't blow one of my type r's. other than that, it's reliable and hasn't shut out on me.