Ive been saving up for a car stereo since i was 14 and im now turning 16 and i was thinking of what kind of subs and amp(s) to power them should i get, i was looking at maybe RE's 12" X.X.X or there MT's which im not even sure are out yet, or 12" Adire Brahmas, or JL's 13W7(kinda pricey), im not sure which amps to get, and i have a Altima right now, im all about SPL, i want to turn heads when my cars driving by, thanks
Well if you just want SPL then get some 15" subwoofers. You seem to have saved up quite a bit of money. What kind of car do you drive? Then you can get an idea of what to get. Maybe you should get 2 15" Kicker L5 subwoofers and put them in ported boxes or an 18" Solo X. 2 12" Adire Brahmas would be loud enough to make you wanna puke and have amazing SQ at those sound levels. As for amps maybe look at Kicker, Zappco, or JL amps.
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Right now i have an altima, thanks for helping me out, i've been looking at subs for 2 years now and i have just recently heard about the brahmas and the RE X.X.X, but from what i hear there the loudest, and what size amp do u think i would need for two 12" brahmas or two 12" X.X.X, and what kind of box do u think i should put it in, i want this system to be heard from far away
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for amps how does a Kicker KX1200.1 sound, or a Zapco 1100M, do u think that would be enough watts? do u think adding a cap., getting an optima yellow top battery, and dynamating the altima would make it louder? also what kind of wireing should i use? i hear that makes a huge difference in how ur subs sound, thanks again
Either one of those amps would be a great choice. As for adding a cap they only help if your alternator is up to the challenge of keeping up with your amp. I wouldn't buy a cap personely. That new battery would help a bit but try getting yourself an alternator capable of handling 250amps. Just use some 10 guage wiring for your subs. Make sure the amp kit you get has 1/0 guage power and ground cables.
Ummmm for the subs get the 2 12" Adire Brahmas and put them in a sealed enclosure. Now your proly asking why a sealed I heard ported is louder. Well yes that is true but the ported box is only louder at certain freguencies. The thing is these subs are so d*mn loud it wouldn't really matter unless you went to comps but you would still beat about everybody in your town with this. Another thing why I'm telling you to put these into sealed boxes is that these subs have awesome sound quality. The SQ is as good if not better than JL W7's and look at the price differences! I think that is about all you need to know. Good luck with your stereo.
I would go for 2 Brahma 12s and run them with 2 JBL 1200.1 amps one amp for each sub. And get a sealed box. Running this system will call for some REAL POWER so I would get atleast a 220amp alternator or BIGGER. And LOTS of dynamat. That yellow top will help some with this set up. Mostly when the car isn't running. But to really be honest I wouldn't ever run the system with out the car running also try to stay easy on the volume. If you know what I mean. This will also save you some extra power for the car its self. Plus you may not want to lose your hearing at such a young age lol.
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thanks a lot man, i really apriciate it, how loud do u think the spl could get with that?, now that i think about it i could probably afford 3 12" Brahmas, do u think thats even neccesary? and its going to be in a trunk so the SQ will sound pretty good any way from where im sitting so y not just go with a ported, or do u still think sealed?
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thanks a lot man, i really apriciate it, how loud do u think the spl could get with that?, now that i think about it i could probably afford 3 12" Brahmas, do u think thats even neccesary? and its going to be in a trunk so the SQ will sound pretty good any way from where im sitting so y not just go with a ported, or do u still think sealed?
AZmatt. To really be honest you will need even need 2 cause just those 2 are prolly going to rattle you car apart so NO NO. I wouldn't get 3. And I still think you should go with a sealed box. You will see what me and Wahl are talking about when you hear them. And I can tell you first hand those are some BAD AZZ subs. If I was you I wouldn't get but one. But I really wouldn't go over 2.
Actually, two Brahma 12's pushed off the right amp in a good enclosure will probably hit low to mid 140s. X.X.X. series hits a little harder, they both use the same driver, so do just as well with the same amount of power, SQ is close to equal. Like everyone else said, though, go for best Sound Quality as two Brahmas would blow your eardrums out at full x-max anyway. I also recommend coupling the trunk with the cabin so all the bass isn't just in the trunk, that'll make it less of a rattle trap as those subs hit so incredibly hard.
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k thanks, trust me though, im a huge bass head, ever since i was 12, im into this all kinds, i was so desperate, at 14 for my b-day and christmas i was asking for I.O.U's for subwoofers, how loud do u think the spl will reach?
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o thanks for spl, got them after i posted my messege
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well my goal was kinda to hit 150 db, what do u think i would need for that?
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what do u mean coupling the trunk with the cabin? sry i feel kind stupid asking
Two Brahma 12's would probably hit in the 140s. Two RE 12's would hit mid to high 140s probably. It depends on the amp and enclosure. Like I said, they'll blow your eardrums out after a couple minutes, then you won't be much of a basshead anymore, you'll only feel the music in your chest and teeth. Just one Brahma or X.X.X. 15" sub is capable of hitting 150db in the right enclosure.
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What about two 15's in a sealed enclosure, what does coupling the trunk with the cabin mean again?
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What about the RE MT's, they're supposed to be monsters, and have extremely high SPL, do u think maybe i should go with that?
He was meaning in others words you need to port your trunk. Cut some ports in the rear deck so the bass can flow into the cabin of the car. If you don't do this you may run a risk of losing you trunk. The REs I have never heard so Jonathan will get to you about those. I think you should go with 12" Brahmas that will be MORE then enough bass. You say you want to hit 150dB WHY? Do you plan to go to a competition anytime soon? Cause that would be the ONLY reason to have a system to hit that hard cause you couldn't even sit in the car with it on. Unless you are crazy and don't care about your eardrums. And you will have to like tickets cause the cops will never leave you alone with it on. But its your choice. If you haven't heard the brahmas then you should take our advice.
AZmatt you sound like me, all you wanna do is go deaf! LoL! 2 12" Adire's will be plenty for you. Believe me I'm a bass junkie also. That pair of subwoofers will more than likely make your chest cave in literaly. I don't own these but a kid in my town has a pair of these on some carappy 1600 watt amp but it is loud as hell.It Makes my body feel really wierd so yea it's loud. Ummmm yea any more subs like this in your trunk and you won't have a trunk very long. If your worries about it not beieng loud enough just do what JayJ told ya and cut some holes in the rear deck or you could fold down the seats if your car can do that. O if your system could hit 150 dB you wouldn't be able to sit in the car very long and yes the police would be on you very quik. Your still gonna have them on you anyway. In a town close to mine the second time the police catch you with your system up the take it from you. My uncle is a cop over there and last spring he had to tell a kid he just lost his $11,200 car audio/video system. So be careful where you boom cause maybe a town near you does the same sh*t.
One Brahma can suit most anyone's tastes. Unless you're competing, why worry about 150 db? It'll blow out your eardrums, you'll never listen to 150 db in a normal application, the power will require alternator upgrades and it will drown out your components. RE's subs use the same driver technology (XBL^2) that Adire Brahmas do. The sound quality is the same, but the added benefit is more x-max. Just because you're a major basshead doesn't mean you need to hit 150 db to make you happy, 100 will cause permanent hearing loss, that 50 db addition will be 10 times as loud as 100. Like JayJ said, coupling the trunk with the cabin is allowing the air from the trunk to flow freely into the cabin in some form or fashion, whether it's cutting a hole in the package tray, leaving the rear speaker holes empty, or as simple as letting your seat down. It will add more SQ and also more SPL as the bass isn't just in the trunk, air will move to the cabin where you are.
alright, so how does 2 12" Adire Brahmas or X.X.X with a Zapco 1100M amp in a sealed box, port the rear dash, and for a head unit how does a Alpine CDA-9827 sound, and do u guys think i should put extreme dynamat throughout my car and if i do would that make it louder, that is all, thank u for helping me out, without ur help i probably would have payd to much and bought a JL13W7, so i appriciate it
Yeah AZ that will be a GREAT system. But you prolly won't stay in the car for long periods with it on lol. And yes you will need to dynamat the whole car to keep the rattles out. Have fun with that killer system.
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o, by the way do u guys know what a X.X.X costs, cuz i know how much the brahmas are but i cant find the prices for the X.X.X anywhere?