Hey guys. im building a box for a 15" alpine type r and im wondering how to attatch some LEDS in a cirlce around the sub so when the bass goes the LEDS will pulse to the music. i have this done on my computer but i have no clue how to do it in a car. I heard somwhere that i can wire it parallel with the subs, but what does that mean?? Can i hook it up to my amp?? Please help.
Dont hook up the leds to your amp theres too much power coming from the amp and you will fry your l.e.d.s a safer route would be tie into one of the positive wires off one of your rear speakers and ground the neg. that is of course if your running your interior speakers off the head unit itself
i have this done im my truck go to streetglow.com and buy your leds and if u already have then u can buy a mucis interface from the site too and it is sound activated it is very cool. very simple to hook up and u can put up to 12 different leds