Hi all! - new guy here I come here to check out the guru's opinions, you guys of course.. I recently developed this problem with the HU. It starts to change/scan channels upwards rapidly every once in a while. seems like a problem with the channel button, but it's not being pushed, it just does it on its own. I have to fanagle with the thing to get it to stop. the unit also sometimes acts like it freezes up from acting when I go to change something. It won't let me do it. It does this at random, it's been installed for over 2 years in my truck, previously in my other vehicle. I love this unit, does anyone know what could be going on here?? Thanks
i've dealt with this a few times with mine, unfornatelly mine was do to a poor contact design. ur bes bet remove ur faceplate and clean the contacts. they tend to tarnish causeing these issues bascilly causeing the radio to detect 2 or more button presses at once even if noones touching them. clean the contacts and see how everything is after that.