but i want a ported box for my 12s, and right now, the only dimensions i have are 37 x 15 x 15 (external dimensions) for 4 12s, and i have a sealed box in it right now.
i dont have any experience in building ported boxes.
i dont know how to build it tuned to a certain frequencies, and my number one thing is when i get dimensions of a ported box, does it matter where i put the fncking port at, because i always see (ex.) 40 x 15 x 13.5 and 2.5 x 8 for the port. so does that mean that the inside of the box (up to the side of the port) is 40 x 15 x 13.5 and then you put a port on and then put the side of the box on?
also with the dimensions i have above are the same i have in my sealed box.
also can anyone tell me if this is bad for my sound
2 12s on one side of the box and 2 on the opposite side, so basically the magnets are like 3 " away from each other inside the box.