I installed an amp in my boat to power two 41/4 inch marine speakers. Since I have had a faint helicopter sound from the speakers. The music drowns it out when turned up but with volume all the way down it sounds like a chopper flying in the distance. Any clues?
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how long is your ground wire? and do you have it bolted down to BARE metal?
ground wire hmmm I will have to check that. So thats one potential problem I will check any other ideas in case thats not it. I am a novice in car audio. First amp install.
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well it is most likely being caused by your ground wire make sure it is no longer then 24 inches at the most the shorter the better. If it is that short then it prolly isn't getting a real good connection. so sand the paint off where ever you have it hooked and make sure it is good and tight.