went to a show today. Good turn out. Lot of imports but they mostly competed in the sar show part. They did have a few go thru the lanes with some good numbers, but mostly show car stuff.
Anyway, I broke the 140 mark. (140.2). Now on to the 145. I was hoping for a little better, but thats the way it is.
Legal TL, dash, sealed. 48htz wave 2 w6 13's on a AQ2200D in a 2001 dodge van.
well, new box and 2nd bat in the works. Thinking about a wall... but thats kinda extreme. Im happy i got the 140. came in 5th over all. 2,3,and 4 were like with in 3 bds of me. Im sure i can pull that off with a better box design and a few more tweeks.
Kieth from team renots tells of a guy in a full size van, all bare inside except a box in the middle of the floor in the back, with 2 mis matched subs doing a 160 +. I think they were a IA 18 and another 18 of some sort as he recalls. It will be at finals..