well heres my question. right now i have an old hd15 and i wanted to now if i'd see any gains if i jumped to a new hdc18? i dont know how the old and new hd's compare but say they were the same if i kept my nine.1 would i see any gains? building a new box for the 18 of course. im guessing since id build a bigger box for the 18 id see some gains. what do you guys think? is it worth the hassle?
To get big gain on the same power you have to increase cone area a lot...... 4 12"s would do the trick and you might have space for that if you have space a proper size 18" box.
right now i got a nine.1 i juss really dont want to have to get an HO alt. i have a kinetik 1800 sittin in the clost cuz i got a good deal on it but i never used it. and i could use that if i get more power but i juss dont want to have to get an ho alt. plus imma be upgrading my speakers soon so theres a couple hundred more watts on the alt to think about...
aight thanks for your input. so ill prolly juss stay where im at lol and worry bout the door speakers lol and clean up the box install, cuz it sure needs it haha
but back to the main topic do you think id hear any difference what so ever? 18=lower bass? not neccesarily loudness increase but juss all around lower and better sounding bass?