I need help!


New member
Username: Charc

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-08
I just purchased a Jensen SL212 Subwoofer/Bass Enclosure. ***Picture*** http://mobile.jensen.com/jensen/JensenProductDetail.do?ACTION_TYPE_ID=ACTION_TYP E_PRODUCT_DETAIL&ACTION_CATEGORY_ID=STR_CATEGORY_LOADED_BASS_ENCLOSURE&ACTION_PR ODUCT_ID=SL212 I also purchased NEW LEGACY 2 CHANNEL 1200 WATT CAR AUDIO AMPLIFIER AMP ***Picture***
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT%26item%3D 170255159045

Also the wiring harness to go with it.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT%26item%3D 170253973696

I have a 1997 Toyota Camry 4door. I have plenty of room in the trunk for my Sub/Bass Enclosure... I also have a kenwood cd player

My Questions are will these work with each other? Will they sound alright? If other wise What do I need? Also Can someone explain an DYI of all this I need help putting all this together!

Gold Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 5485
Registered: Dec-05
BRO that system kinda S*CK, please post a budget and i'll give you something to work on ok?
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