hey im goin to be gettin some subs and im wanting to know which one of these subs or any other sub that is louder for about the same price as these ones. A 12" alpine r or like a 12" kicker S12L5/L7 or another sub.... any suggestions? what do you guys think?
post a budget if you want other suggestions. but out of the ones you posted, i'd take the l7 for spl, imo it'd be pretty close between the type r and l5. sq i'd say type r.
im most likely gonna get subs off of ebay. but im goin to buy new ones. the diamond d6's are a lil over $200 a peice and thats more than im wanting to spend and plus they dont have that much of a selection. i think the alpine r's are like $250 for 2 brand new ones.