A friend of mine was taking his Kicker L5 15" out of his sh!tty azz prefab box to build another one for it. When he was going to the table it slipped out of his hands and crash,bam,boom on his garage floor.(I was on the other side of the ford explorer) I knew what had happen when I heard that horriable nosie. Then he goes you won't believe what I just did,I said yes I do I have done it before.(it is focked)
So to make a long story short he ask me to fine him a good SQLish 15" sub the oposite of what he had,and these are what I have to choose from all are 15's
DC Sound Lab L3 600RMS Fi SSD 800RMS MB Quart PWE354 800RMS Diamond D6 750RMS Cerwin Vega VMAX 600RMS AudioQue SDC2.5 600RMS Treo SSi 750RMS Mmats P3.0 750RMS RE SE 600RMS Alpine Type R 750RMS
Which would YOU chose?
Oh yeah the amp that will be used is a Phoenix Gold X1200.1
i have an older model incriminator audio death penalty for sale for 180 shipped. better sub than all of the above but if your not interested i'd say ssi, ssd and dc level 3 are all safe choices...