One of my friends got 6 of the ED 8s when they were on sale and has 4 of them left for his single cab trunk project. Sounds easy enough...right? Wrong.
He wants them ported BUT he doest want to be able to see the subs what so ever so he can put things ontop of the box. I thought downfire but then ive also been looking into 4th order reflex enclosures. So heres my 3 options...
Thanks Keith. The shop is tossing the numbers into winisd right now and it looks if i do a bandpass it will be C. They are reading a ~+3dB jump from 34-39hz and ~+2dB from 40-44hz. Then it evens out until 67hz where it starts to dive. Im worried about the 8s tho i dont know if they can keep up with 30hz beatings all day long.
Tell your friend the risks with the possible gain and if he says ok I say do the bandpass and set the crossover to filter out 33 or 34 hz depending how they sound. These are cheap subs anyway he wont lose much if they blow.