I built an offset sealed box for 2 kicker 12" Comps. I used the dimensions in the manual and built the max sound or whatever. it came out to be 7 cubic feet. I bought 2 Kicker CVRs recently and put them in and since my amp couldnt handle a 1 ohm load i wired them at 4 (1200w performance teknique)
What I want to do is try to port the box so i dont have to buy another amp and just push a safe amount of power to the subs.
for the 7 cu ft, i was wondering maybe 2 round ports, 4" diameter by 20" deep, one on each side of the box. any suggestions?
this is it with the 2 comps. ive already switched them out with the cvrs someone recommended trying 3 4" ports at 10" long since the 2 4"x20" would be tuned too low. does that sound about right?
I put the ports in today :D we decided since we originally came up with 2 4x20" ports and another 'experienced builder' recommended 3 4x10 that we'd go right in the middle and do 2 4x15" ports.
on the left side it sits right under the sub and on the right its right over it about two or three inches from the edge on top and bottom and it sounds beatiful :D :D :D i havent been so happy with my system in years