well today i did something stupid. i know you are probably saying to yourself "chad do something stupid? that is absurd. that is impossible". but i did.
i was remounting my mid back on and one of the cable came off touching the metal on the door. i didn't know it came off at first though. then i hear this weird screech. i quickly turned it off then took off my speaker (the mid). that was when i realized one of the cable was off. anyways i put it on good and turned the stereo back on and no more screech. but when i turn the volume all the way down, it makes that alt whine sound now.
oh and its not the amp. i connected my ipod directly to my amp and its clean.
ima try to ground the rca tomorow to see if the sound goes away. if it doesn't then i still got warranty. lol.
looks like ima have to buy another hu temporarily. once i get my dvd player back i will sell the temp hu for half price to the lucky person. lol. i'll probably get a alpine 9887 for temp.
i grounded the rca and no sound. its clean again. lol. i love it.
here's what happened. close to closing time today, i walked over to woofersetc.com. my work is only 5 minute walk from that place. anyways i went there and told the guy give me the alpine 9887. he went to the back and got it. as i was looking at it, i was telling the guy what happened to my hu. he told me just ground the rca and i should be fine. i told him i touched the + and - on the speaker and i think i really fucked it up. he told me just ground it and it will be fine. so i told him then i'll come back tomorow if it don't work and buy the hu. well it works so i don't need to buy it. hahaha.
yeah thats the fuse i had blow, i fixed it and the noise was gone. i tryed the rca grounding and a new HU ground and all that stuff and it didnt get the noise out till i fixed the pico.
Chad I hope you thanked the guy at woofersetc, that is some good customer service to pass up on a sale like that and give the customer quality advice first and foremost.
ok you don't want to ground your power cable. that is a big no no.
i simply grounded the rca on my headunit. i got the whining noise after i touched the + and - on my speakers together while my stereo was on. if you got whining noise from the beginning then your problem is something else. recheck all your connections.
Honestly Chad reading your post above again you got the whine from touching speaker wires together, that probably wasn't what did it. If it uses a Pico fuse it can happen by just "Hot Swapping" the RCAs. That is removing/rehooking RCAs while the HU and amp is on. Another is if the amp for a split second lost its ground, it would try to feed off the RCA ground thus blowing the Pico. By crossing the wires it would only effect the output stage of the amp and if that went and wasn't caught in time then it would attack the power supply section. Think real hard you probably did something else...Polo.
well i assumed since the cable came off when i took the speaker out, that's what caused it. i guess it could of been something else. i checked everything and its good. anyways no whine and i am one happy camper.
how do i groud RCA cables is a question i have for youuuuuuu chad.
also if i turned OFF the car, unplugged the RCA's then turned it back on so that the amp would have its ground source THENNNN plugged in the RCA's so it doesnt try to ground out through them, does that seem reasonable or is there something bad with that too?
get yourself a speaker cable. strip off a couple of inches. then wrap that part around the outer part of the rca cable. then strip a little on the other end of the speaker cable. unscrew any screw on the back of your head unit. then wrap the cable around that and screw it back on. you are basically grounding the rca to the headunit chasis.