I have a pioneer premier deck just has front and rear outputs, im going to be using the rear outputs, will this effect my subs and how much bass they will put out? thanks all comments are appreciated
it shouldn't affect the bass you put out but it might affect what notes the sub plays. someone correct me if i'm wrong but if you plug a sub amp into a regular outlet then your sub will not only play the notes designed for subs, but also the higher pitched tones like lyrics and such.
what model # is your deck? it might say in the manual if one set of outputs is designed for a sub or not
What the hell? I posted this in here like 10 minutes ago?? Chads got you covered though
"Just set the crossovers on the amp. set the lpf at how high you want the subs to play and the subsonic at how low you want to play and you will be good."