so this guy has an older HD3 and he said he had it reconed and he said other stuff btu he didn't know what else it had because he got it used. it was not a burp box i am guessing tuned to soemthing around 40ish.. not a massive port... powered by a 1600 hifonics brutus... in a 1995 suburban.
so the thing is he said he went to a meca comp and hit 149 point something. he didnt know the number...
i really think he forgot and got like 139 point something.
have u guys ever even heard of something like this getting numbers that high??? is that even posible?
1. Who knows what kind of mic they were using. 2. Could have been in the port. 3. He could have mixed his numbers up. 4. He could be a world record holder. 5. Hes not.
I hate my system!!! Absolutely hate it!!! My highs suck, my sub sounds sloppy, the only thing that doesn't suck is my mid-bass. Do you know why my mids don't sound like azz? Because I don't have any....
The Dude: Walter, he peed on my rug! Donny: He peed on the Dude's rug. Walter Sobchak: Donny you're out of your element! Dude, the Chinaman is not the issue here!
...I think of that quote every time i hear the name "Donnie".