Hey guys. I've got 2 Alpine SWR-1241D's which are the old 300 RMS versions and i will be putting them in a ported box. Now the specs for this sub say 0.75-1.75 cu ft per sub. This will be going in a 97 eclipse (hatch + i don't got a whole ton of room). So what size should the box be for both in total and what frequency should the box be tuned to? Ive searched the forums and i found a lot of different sizes and tuning frequencies, i'm just not sure which to go with? Thanks!
No that is for both subs. That version of type R doesnt need the biggest box, but if you can get ~3cuft after port and sub displacement you will be in good shape.
Oh okay, cuz right now i got them in a 2.3 cu ft ported box but it was tuned too high (40Hz) and that 2.3 cu ft is before the sub displacement and port.
So i think im going to go and try 3.5 cu ft without sub and port displacement.