Gold Member Username: Volfenhagking1600SSD Wangin, Shawano, Wis... USA Post Number: 1251 Registered: Oct-06 | Does anyone know if this amp is underrated or not? If so by how much usually.? Need an amp for my fully loaded btl for under $300 Thanks, Jamie |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Northwest PA Post Number: 7833 Registered: Jul-06 | That amp will do about rated power. |
Gold Member Username: 04redmach1Columbus, GA USA Post Number: 2104 Registered: Mar-06 | You got the wrong sub to have such tight budget on amp bro. The MD's will do about rated at 14.4v. Kevin |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 9720 Registered: Jun-04 | according to what i found on two sites that amp only has three 30 amp fuses which is far from the rated 1500 watts minus 20 percent efficiency loss it would put out 1036 watts rms at 14.4 volts cfm id go with the audioque 1200d it claims 1200 watts at 14.4 volts AQ1200D $249 each Frequency Response 20Hz--250Hz Signal to Noise Ratio 100db Low Pass Crossover 24db / Oct Low Pass Crossover Range 20Hz--200Hz Subsonic Crossover Range 10Hz--50Hz Input Sensitivity 0.2V--8V Output Master / Input Slave Connection Yes Working Voltage 8V---16V Efficiency @ 4 ohm 84% Damping Factor Less than 150 Fuse Rating 40Amp X 3 (Linked 240 Amp) Output Power 14.4V @ 1% THD 510X1 @ 4 ohm, 870X1 @ 2 ohm, 1200X1 @1 ohm Output Power 14.4V @ 5% THD 1470X1 @ 1 ohm Dash Mounted Remote Included Dimensions 12.75"(L)x9.27"(W)x2.35"(H) |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 5386 Registered: Dec-05 | i agree with sean. Maybe save a lil bit and stretch it to a RF t1000bd |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 9721 Registered: Jun-04 | now I see why Kevin said what he did I didnt realize that sub handled 2000 rms so youll need more power than the audioque 1200D....also it looks like you have between a 70 - 75 amp stock alternator on that vehicle so if you plan on running that sub you will need a ho alt and as far as the amp id suggest the audioque 2200d over the rockford amp because it looks like they sell for close to the same price but the audioque puts out alot more power and it will be ready to sell sometime in july according to their website (the rockford = 1400 watts from what I read on one discussion) |
Gold Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 5387 Registered: Dec-05 | lol i read fi BL too... XD big power for that sub. |
Gold Member Username: Volfenhagking1600SSD Wangin, Shawano, Wis... USA Post Number: 1252 Registered: Oct-06 | yea i bought a 200 amp alt from and i might buy either a used Ma Audio HK602sx or wait until the aq2200d's are back in stock |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 9736 Registered: Jun-04 | ma audio is not a brand id pick over the audioque besides the audioque is cheaper and youll be pushing your charging system enough as it is with a 200 amp alternator with the audioque 2200D |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Northwest PA Post Number: 7839 Registered: Jul-06 | Yea, ma audio blows, the AQs the best bet here |
Bronze Member Username: Team_havoc_audioJamestown, SC US Post Number: 20 Registered: May-07 | Well, to sean, the MD-2D has 3 40 amp fuses. Does more then rated power, all i have benched do alittle over 1600 @ 14.4 @ 100hz (this is the new 08 model). The XT line's power supplies have been redone, they now do within 5-10% of rated @ 14.4v. The fuses will tip you off to this, the XT2000D used to have 3 20's and the XT4000D's used to have 4 25's now they have 4 40's. I sell and use alot of us amps, everything from the XT to the AX and I have amp guts, and have put them on the bench myself. Dont talk about something you know nothing of. I realize its hard to not support more of the same generic crap on the market but give it a try for once. (sorry for links images are too big to upload, not all are hosted, but i have shots of the boards out of the heatsinks, part numbers, and more, dont talk down to something without testing it and knowing ur facts, us amps make the best amps ive used in a long time, feel free to email me with any questions at <-- tons more about us amps, re and more on the fourm |
Gold Member Username: 04redmach1Es DEALER, GA USA Post Number: 2250 Registered: Mar-06 | So I guess you play your subwoofers at 100hz?? Sorry but this amp is not under rated one bit. Not too mention their protection circuit is VERY picky and once at or around 11v you will go into protect. Kevin |
Bronze Member Username: Team_havoc_audioJamestown, SC US Post Number: 21 Registered: May-07 | No but CES ratings are done at 100hz, and the merlin is under rated, infact ill put one in the pepsi challenge against a zenon board rated for the same power on a reactive load. Your right about the protection circuit though. But if you cant afford a decent electrical system you shouldnt have high powered amplifiers. |
Gold Member Username: 04redmach1Es DEALER, GA USA Post Number: 2251 Registered: Mar-06 | Massive Audio is CEA rated as well, not saying too much there. Ratings need to be clear and in normal conditions for customers. Come on now Evan, you know better ![]() Kevin |
Bronze Member Username: Team_havoc_audioJamestown, SC US Post Number: 24 Registered: May-07 | The merlin is CEA rated, i wasnt saying this proves it puts out rated. Only stating why I bench at 100hz. Under clear and normal conditions you never see what an amp puts out because impedance is constantly changing, as well as voltage. You need to be aware just how high impedance goes during music play. I do know better. I dont brainwash myself anymore, and I know for a fact I have alot more equipment to test than you do, or anyone your associated with and alot more experience actually installing than you do. The reason ill take the pepsi challenge, is because ive benched both US amps, and RD. Ive been alot more impressed with the build quailty and output of the merlins then the RD. On average (that is across the 30-60hz freq band) I get a higher average output out of the US amps then the RD (the us amps are more efficent as well). To go back to ur clear and normal conditions. How about u actually bench an amp urself and see if u ever get rated output out of it on music. Impedance changes by 50 ohms depending on the freq. The last RD amp, we had was a 3250.1, and at 12.6 @ 2 ohm @ 60hz on a resistor bank it gave an "outstanding" 8## watts. However this isnt anything new, not bashing RD, all these super high ratings people are pulling out of zenon amps and other amps, are under static conditions. The fact that an amp can produce an amazing number at 1 frequency and impedance doesnt mean anything to me, overall performance over the frequency band means alot more. |
Gold Member Username: 04redmach1Es DEALER, GA USA Post Number: 2252 Registered: Mar-06 | You have no clue what I have or have not done. Don't start slinging mud or going after my integrity cause it will end bad. I have benched a MD amp as well as a few others at a shop my buddy owns. I know what the deal is, and you coming in here with a bench number at 100hz where obviously you will get a high number is just plain obscene. Lets see some pics to back your statements, o-scope and all. Kevin |
Bronze Member Username: Team_havoc_audioJamestown, SC US Post Number: 27 Registered: May-07 | <--- thats what i use for low power testing, trouble shooting and so on, power supply wired in parrelle with a optima red top with a relay inline to stop the back flow of current to the power supply when its powering up and down. <-- both digital and anaolog scopes,tone generator, along with a 62 amp power supply, and a bank of load resitors attached to a heatsink (far right) <-- close up of the load resistors Anything else you need, ill sling mud all i want because I can back it up, lets see these tests of urs and pictures, because I call bull sh#t on u, not total bullshit because yes, anyone can go out and get a dmm with a current clamp, a portable scope,and a cd player with some test tones, but few people ever go into detail. U can get as real world as u want and do a drop in test on a reactive load, thats where the us amps really shines. Any other pics u or anyone wants, send me ur email, i have taken the boards out of the sink, researched the parts, I know where most of the parts come from, and i have pictures to back it up, im not an idiot, you should know that,and i dont lie... |
Platinum Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 10189 Registered: Jun-04 | "Well, to sean, the MD-2D has 3 40 amp fuses. Does more then rated power, all i have benched do alittle over 1600 @ 14.4 @ 100hz (this is the new 08 model). The XT line's power supplies have been redone, they now do within 5-10% of rated @ 14.4v. The fuses will tip you off to this, the XT2000D used to have 3 20's and the XT4000D's used to have 4 25's now they have 4 40's. I sell and use alot of us amps, everything from the XT to the AX and I have amp guts, and have put them on the bench myself. Dont talk about something you know nothing of. I realize its hard to not support more of the same generic crap on the market but give it a try for once. (sorry for links images are too big to upload, not all are hosted, but i have shots of the boards out of the heatsinks, part numbers, and more, dont talk down to something without testing it and knowing ur facts, us amps make the best amps ive used in a long time, feel free to email me with any questions at <-- tons more about us amps, re and more on the fourm" Well just to comment it looks like others have backed me up and I know they know what they are talking about also. As far as you judging what I know you shouldnt have. Just like the other thread. I hope the apology is offered on this thread from you like the other thread. And even though the internet site I used to find out the fuse size was wrong even at 120 amps what Kevin says in this quote is enough for me. "I have benched a MD amp as well as a few others at a shop my buddy owns. I know what the deal is, and you coming in here with a bench number at 100hz where obviously you will get a high number is just plain obscene." |
Gold Member Username: 04redmach1Es DEALER, GA USA Post Number: 2253 Registered: Mar-06 | You like those Chinese parts a little TOO much I see. The reason for the protection circuits isn't an excuse of, "you should have proper electrical", but how easy those boards fry. Take one down to 9, or even 10 volts before protect. I will say no more, I get tired of fussing with high schoolers, it gets old. Kevin |
Silver Member Username: Pbplayer05Carroll, Iowa Post Number: 708 Registered: May-07 | i have the new md2d and have never had it in protect even on stock electrical |
Gold Member Username: 04redmach1Es DEALER, GA USA Post Number: 2255 Registered: Mar-06 | Good, you are keeping above 11v then ![]() Kevin |
Silver Member Username: Pbplayer05Carroll, Iowa Post Number: 710 Registered: May-07 | good amp really never ran it full tilt yet just at 1100 or so but never gets hot either |
Gold Member Username: 04redmach1Es DEALER, GA USA Post Number: 2260 Registered: Mar-06 | They aren't bad amps at all as long as you don't abuse them ![]() Kevin |