i figured that oh well guess i leave the kids at home when i go grocery shopping.u see we finally got a win yesterday yanks?i actually got to see the game cuz they played the reds god i miss livin in ny
i hope to hit sumthin high i lost some of my hearing when i was a teen so systems that are loud arent as loud to me thats why im gonna go with this setup for daily use
Did you even check to see if you can fit the proper size box for 2 18s? If you can it would probably take up ALL space and be all the way up to the celing......
im gonna have to measure it when my wife gets home with it.its a decent size area for a small suv i used 2 have 4 12" l7's back there but i got rid of them cuz i couldn't stand how they sounded now i just got 1 diamond d915