Hey all, I recently bought a couple 6x9 alpine type "S" speakers to replace my stock Saab Bose 6x9's
What ive found though is that obviously the Alpine 6x9's do not come with the stock hookup which fits this....
What i need to know is what i need to do to make it so i can hook up the new 6x9's which have the bottom like this (sorry its so blurry took w. cellphone)
anyways i was curious if i would just snip the connection on the special thing [show above] which would leave me with just wire.....and then i would use the given wires which connect to the prongs and attach those to each separate wire...
yes. it will work. just stay with the same wire codes. you should have a solid and a solid with a stripe wire. Use the solid as positive, and the one with the stripe as ground on both speakers.
btw, you may need to reverse the wires, it all depends on what the facory ground is. If you got a dmm, probe them and see waht goes to ground, also on the ols speaker, sometimes the Pos is a bigger terminal and /or is marked.