ok its a 4,3,and 2 channel amp. its supposed to do liek 130 watt at 2 ohm brodged. i heard it was a radio shack amp. but it actually thumps that sub in my s-10 i told u guys about a while ago. but i think the specs are 85x4@ 2 ohms. and 100x4@ 4 ohms. that dont seem much but its bridgable so when u bridge it it has to be around 160 watt x2 ??? i know this amp cant be to great at all.
decent amp. The number 1 reason they failed was from user error. After all, ppl who were buying amps from radio shack shows that they lack knowlege from the get go. They put out rated power. Also, Radio shack had them built for Radio shack at popular build houses in China. Other amps may have been built in the same house, but they were not relabel crap. They were original designs. One of the most common houses, was the same that made Sanyo amps. But if you compare guts to any other amp from the time, there is no similariteis.
XL-400 High Power Bridgeable Amplifier (120-2018) Specifications Faxback Doc. # 44469
the company rated the r.m.s. wattage at 10% T.H.D. ! ? that means playing clean it might do 45x4 or 135-145x2. he!! a dam 'vr3' walmart amp will do that good
lol excursion!!! well w/e .. it was cheap does the job for my beater s-10 . everyone in my town thinks its loud for being behind my seat but its ok . with my hard kore ma 1600 amp it sounded a hell better but thatrs getting fixed. ok so that amp . umm it dont say asnythiong at 2 ohms mono? i have it ran at 2 ohms using only 1 of the channels and it working fine never shut off yet. i ran it today all day with no problem. it does getr pretty hot though. but once i install another sub it should be louder but then teh amp will be working more so maybe it will take a sh..t soon lol. but i M PICKIN 2 KICKER CVR 10 INCH FOR 80$ TOMMOROW IM GOING TO PUT THEM IN THERE LOL. woops caps.