Well, I check the 860mp at the shop today and yea...the RCA's are fukt.
So, I get home from work and put the 760mp in to replace the 860mp. All was good. No noise at all in the RCA's. All's good...so I then decide to crank up the truck and drive to grab a bite.
Hit the ignition, engine turns over, but doesn't crank
$*#@ !!!!!!!1111
I mess around w/ the truck for alil bit, and realize the fuel pump is not kicking on when I turn the key to ACC. So I check the relay and it was kicking over, but I replaced it anyway. Still, won't crank
I priced a fuel pump and its $265-280. So I have to replace the fuel pump before Thursday or no Scrapin' the Coast (or at least not for my truck)
And not only that, but that $ was going toward a new laptop
One good thing though. I'm glad it died here at the house and not 300miles away in Biloxi.
i just replaced the fuel pump in my blazer last week it cost me 77 dollars at autzone.it was a pain though cuz i got duel exhaust on it so i had to cut it off to take the tank out
dude, replacing that pump takes about a hour if you have a buddy to help you. DO NOT drop the gas tank. take the truck bed loose and it will slide back far enough to get to the fuel pump from the top.
that sucks, if your going to scrap the 860 ill take it for parts i dont have much cash to offer other then shipping. and do you mean your truck cranks but doesnt start right? are you sure its your fuel pump disconnect a line where the fuel filter is and see if fuel shoots out when you go to turn it on. also if you have time to get to the pump make sure power is getting to it and its got a good ground.
another "fix" is to get an inline pump, and just plumb it in on the fuel line, leaving the original in the tank. providing it allows fuel to leave and the float still works.