The mk3 i know was rated at 600rms, which was considerably less than the mk2.
But if it's a real mk2 it can handle 1000-1200rms no problem as long as it's in the proper sized enclosure. Unfortunately, i don't remember the proper sized enclosure for those drivers.
But i do remember they did well in smaller enclosures. I would say around 2.5-3 cubes for the 12, and 3-5 cubes for the 15. that's if you decide to go ported. Sealed you can get away with a cubic foot per 12", and around 1.5-2 cubes for the 15".
I just remember the sizes of the enclosures back when i had mine, but can't remember the exact specifications off the site anymore.
sealed for the 12 go 1.25cu/ft- ported go 2.25 -2.75. for the 15 go 2.0-2.5 sealed and 3.25-3.5 ported. power handling for the 12 is 600-750 and the 15 about the same. can they take more in burps? absolutely but you have to know what you are doing.
do you have the spec sheet that shows what the mk2's were rated at? I just know they were rated at over 1000rms, because people got the power handling of the mk2's confused with the mk3's which was only 600rms. so people were sending 1100rms to the mk3's which had a thermal power handling of only 600rms lol.
the brahma mkII did not have high power handling it was similar to the AA avalanche. The REXXX had higher power handling. Like I said in the right ported application you could sent the brahma II some power but sealed they didnt take all that much. I have no idea about the mkIII I have never heard one or known anyone who used one. I just know about the mkII because I have one.
I know for a fact Adire Audio released a spec sheet which showed the thermal power handling on the mk2 brahmas to be over 1000rms. But since they completely got rid of their website, i don't have access to it anymore.
you are probably correct about what the driver can actually handle, but i know they released a spec sheet a long time ago with the thermal ratings on all their drivers.
1600rms is the thermal power handling with the test signal they used. And it looks like you need about 1000rms to get full potential out of the driver with reasonable sized enclosures.
you can't go by thermal ratings anyway. Thermal ratings are what a speaker can take at its closest point to melt down. Thermal ratings are measured in heat, right before the vc cooks.
yeah the brahma would take over 1k in a tiny sealed enclosure. making it very inefficient. so really in a good sized ported enclosure. 600-800 would be perfect for them. i had one way back in the day. and it didnt like more then a 1k, great sq sub, got decently loud. i do mis it sometimes.
damn, thats for all the feedback guys. yeah i wanted to maybe buy BCS's brahma but i cant get ahold of him and i dont have his email. its either the brahma or 05 model xxx.
are you lookg for basically lows? because xbl motored subs dont like to play higher freqs at all really. 05 xxx is better imo. imo i would try and find a tc3000 15 or 2 12 sonances.
oh and gibson, im not sure what i want to run yet, BUT i have plenty of subs on standbuy ready to go in lol.
yeah well im probably going to get the XXX, but just trying to get more ideas. the only problem with the XXX is i could only probably give it like 1000 watts max, because of my stock electrical. But sometime in the future ill get a h.o alt. The XXX looks so sexy though, ill prolly just get that.