Hey guys Im running 2 '05 10" CVRs each only getting 150W thru an MTX amp. Recently i get very little bass response, furthermore theres hardly any audible difference between my subwoofer setting at 0 and +15 on my HU (Alpine CDA9847). Any troubleshooting tips you can offer?
Ya i checked the wiring earlier today and all the connections seem solid...they have worked great for the last two years when the prob started i was cruisin with a friend and i moved the gain up a lil (i think up to like 4V) but i noticed the sound was distorting quicker so i back off on the volume and once we stopped, turn the gain back down. After a few hours i got back in and thats when i noticed i had little output. is it possible i fried the amp, i tried to be cautious because i kno you arent supposed to turn the gain way up, perhaps i shouldnt have touched it in the first place.
Ya i know gain isnt volume, i just wanted a little more output, once i noticed the sound quality worsening i backed off immediately. And each sub was getting 150W , 300 for the pair - tho they are still very much under powered.
My guess is that when you adjusted it you simply backed the gain down further than it was previously set at. Also go back through all the setting on your HU.
It could have even been the song you were listening to when you adjusted you gain. It could have had more bass in it than most other songs you listen to.
That distortion you hear when you turn the gain up is called clipping. Don't know if you knew that, but just make clear that any amp can do that.
Ya im familiar with clipping def not something i want a part of, but even if i mess with the gain now i cant get much output. Cranking up the bass level on my HU makes the subs louder but sound horrible. If im in the drivers seat and move the subwoofer setting from 0 to 15 i barely hear the subs increase whereas that used to make a huge difference.
I have a voltmeter at work, should i check the output...if so please let me know if this thinking is correct: P = V^2 * R and i should have about 150W running to a sub with the (parallel DVC 4ohm)sub R = 2 ohm so 150W = V^2 * 2ohm thus i should read a voltage of about 75V at the sub
Juliob is correct. You could be getting used to them.
But for the heck of it., migh as well check /set your gain. I'm guessing you have a 2 channel amp, with each sub on separate channel? If so, you should be at 17.3v @ 2 ohm load=150w. Also, I would turn the subwoofer setting down on your HU or experiment with it at a lower setting to verify your HU is not sent into clipping itself.
Its def not just getting used to it, if i turn my subs off and listen to a song then turn them back on I can barely notice a difference (with subwoofer setting +15) whereas i used to be able to get some hatch raddle and over power my mids at low volumes The first time i noticed the output was real low i bumped up the bass on my HU and the subs did a very poor job producing the bass drums but could still produce a lil bass guitar but sounded very fuzzy, however since then the subs are so low that the volume isnt really even appreciable. Now ive got my sub setting on my HU down to 0
problem solved, and im embarassed to say the remote bass control knob was messin up, i unplugged it when i was rechecking the wires and the subs worked fine. I also disconnected a sub so i could get 300w to 1 sub, i think i like it better than 2 getting 1/2 of their RMS ratings
Thanks for the help i wish i caught this stupid problem earlier