my ed 13av2 finally arived today. jesus. this thing is massive. the magnet is so big i set it by my tv and it messed up the collors in the tv... pretty sweet. buildin a box tomarro. hav it carpeted saturday. damnnn
im taking picks right now... mounting depth is 10.5inches. i forgot to mention.. haha so i need to make the box. ive got a few designs in my head but need some help to pick which would be the sweetest. right now i have the box thats in the pick... its 16 inches high, 15 inches from back to front of the top and 24 from front to back on the bottom. i have 16 inches between the seats to work with... i want to be able to show off the big magnet so i was thinking having the face of the sub faced backwards and putting plexi glass over the top so you can see down into the box.. the only reason i am shying away from that is that i dont want to have to worry about bracing it. and i want the sub to bore so rest in its place then be elivated, thats why i want to have the sub face up... but since this box is also an armrest .. i was thinking maybe facing the sub up but only have it maybe 13 inches high and then have a thing of plexi glass "hover" above the woofer buy just using some acrilic cylenders holding it up... so which woul dyou do? why? and im open to other ideas. btw. im going with a SEALED enclosure. as i do not have enough room for a ported.
Looks like my sub's twin. You're going to love this thing. I will be interested in hearing how it does in a sealed enclosure. It sure likes the ported box I have mine in.
thanks everyone. ya i cant wait to hook this fuker up this weekend!!!damn! well i would really like some ideas on a box design so ya any help would be great!
ok, heres the box i have drawn up... the box will fit in between my 2 front seats in my truck. the box is drawn from the passanger side perspective. the sub facing backwards. the plexi glass on top. i will have LED's around the top shining down to show it off... so if im havin the plexi glass i obviously am going to paint the inside, i was thinking just black and then i was thinking maybe tint(idk maybe just 20 percent) the plexiglass so when i have my LED's off you cant really see in but when i turn them on it will look sweet.. what ya think? will tinting the plexiglass even look sweet? ive never seen it done.