Comparison help


New member
Username: Matrixwolves

Wichita, Ks

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-07
I have a set of jl XR650-CSi. How does the cdt HD-62 compare to them? Is the rms on the hd-62 and the cl-62 really more than double the jl'S?
I've blown my coax on the jl set and guessing i need a higher rms rated speaker but i still want some sq. Any help is appreciated.

Silver Member
Username: Drant19


Post Number: 620
Registered: Aug-07
im getting the HD-62, and have been told they can take 250rms as long as its clean power.

Diamond Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 19974
Registered: Oct-05
hd 62 sounds way better. i've used them both and its no comparison.

Silver Member
Username: Exige


Post Number: 216
Registered: Nov-07
correction lol....that crossover that you and i discussed can take 250w. 200w will be plenty for the set as a whole though.

deandre, if you're interested in CDT let me know, i'd be happy to assist you.

Silver Member
Username: Drant19


Post Number: 651
Registered: Aug-07
whoops lol my bad

New member
Username: Matrixwolves

Wichita, Ks

Post Number: 9
Registered: Nov-07
Yes I'm very interested in CDT. Basically I'm looking for quality sound that I can put more power to versus what i had before and not worry about them blowing. Also I will need and amp to power them, but don't want to spend alot on it.

Silver Member
Username: Exige


Post Number: 219
Registered: Nov-07
Deandre, check your PM's...just sent you one.
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