How can you tell if it works rite or is it broken? it makes my amp over heat and it's a jl 1000/1....could it be that i mite have the wrong box. the store i got it from uesd a sealed box for a 12 and made it bigger so it could fit..could this be why my amp is over heating?
as utterly retarded as them "making" a sealed enclosure bigger, that isn't your problem. My guess if that they wired it wrong if they are dumb enough to just cut a bigger hole. your amp could be seeing a lower impedance than it can handle. chances are either they fucked that up and/or fucked up your wiring throughout your car.
when you say your 1000/1 overheats, do you mean it overheats and shuts off or just gets really hot?
those amps are known to get hot. the version 1 that is. they came out with the v2 that took care of the heat issues.
also like reece said, it could be wired wrong. the sub is dual 1.5ohm. if they wired it parallel then it is going below ohm on that amp. it has to be wired in series.
well the sub is wired rite and my amp on my old 15 kickers works fine only when it hooked up to that Jl...i just want to know if i get a new box built for it online. would that maybe solve it? what is the best box for ? sealed or ported?
as for the amp the heat light comes on and go's to lower power or protect mode hell even sent it in to jl and they said it fine.. works fine now... i have seen the boxes for the jl w7 and the were way small to mine...mine was one huge box for a sealed 12 .
the box has NOTHING to do with your amp overheating, but i would put that sub in a pored box tuned to 32 hz. check your amps settings. those idiots who installed it HAD to f*ck something up. check your grounds too.