Well, played around w/ Cory's 2515's today. He didn't get to make it to the show in Shreveport yesterday, but he wanted to know what he could get out of the 2515's.
So, 2 2515's in a 4-door Ram on 2 M1a's. Stock alt, 1 Optima d34.
51hz Not bad given the power and vehicle.
We are charging his batt right now. Going to try and get 151 out of it.
Well, couldn't get anymore out of it in the kick. But stuck it on the dash for 1 quick burp and it did 146.8dB after testing in the kick. Batt was down though. His truck gains ALOT in the kick.
I did 153.1 in the kick and loose ~1-1.3dB on the dash w/ this box. I'm finally rebuilding this week.
Nick did 147.8 in the kick w/ 1 amp. No clue on the dash.
Those are the SPL ports, but they play music very well in all the vehicles. The lows will surprise you. Hell, my truck peaks at 47hz and the subs are play way above actual box tuning.
I actually lost alil SPL w/ the changes I made to my box this past weekend. Totally changing it up during my spring break though.