New member Username: AvengerkiPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | Can someone help me? I have a 791xv installed in my car. It has been working fine up until the other day. It was a professional install about 3 months ago. My problem is I remote started my car, went out to the car and hit the unlock button. The second I hit the unlock button the car shut off and I haven't been able to start the car or get any communications between the remote and the alarm. I checked all the fuses I could find but none are blown. Any ideas? I would like at the least to be able to start my car so I can take it in to get looked at once I have time later this week. Thank you |
New member Username: KhanbhauPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | Hi! I recently purchased a 94 model Nissan 300ZX and i don't know which Viper system is installed. There was a problem or something with the remote but the alarm got activated. The alarm has been screaming its head off so i had to disconnect the battery. The car won't even start with the alarm activated! How on earth do i temporarily disarm the alarm system so that i can start my car!! Where might the valet button be located?? Or can i disconnect the system? Please advise! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 140 Registered: Mar-06 | Wassam Khan, The model number will be on the main unit under your dash. To put the unit into valet mode, turn the ignition on and press the valet button which should be under your dash as well, mounted on a plastic panel or zip-tied to a wiring harness. If you can't find it, locate the main unit, look for a blue plug with two wires in it and follow it to the switch. |
New member Username: AleemjPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | Is there anyway someone can post up the installation manual / owner manual for the viper 471, it would be of great help to me for programming my remote thanks! |
New member Username: GavinwuPost Number: 3 Registered: Sep-06 | hi does anyone have a manual for the viper 480xv i am in the uk but when i brought the alarm it didnt have a manual just an instructions booklet thanks |
New member Username: AleemjPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-07 | Gavin Wu here is the manual for viper 480xv |
New member Username: GavinwuPost Number: 4 Registered: Sep-06 | thanks Aleem Jaipersaud for the manual but do you possibly have the installation manual as to where the wires have to go thanks |
New member Username: HymisPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | Hello everyone, I had a Viper 5900 installed on my 06 Silverado 2500HD Diesel. Every so often when I start the truck it says on the screen that I need to have my brake system checked and my ABS and E-Brake light remain on until I pull away then the lights and warning message goes away. Does anyone know what would be causing this with the Viper 5900 remote start? Thanks for your help! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 143 Registered: Mar-06 | James DeBello, It sounds like you are missing one of your 2nd or 3rd ignition or accessory wires. Whoever installed it might not have hooked up all of the wires required to power up the computer in the car and that is why you are getting error codes. For ignition you should have the PINK ignition wire and WHITE 2nd ignition wire and for accessories you should have the ORANGE accessory and BROWN 2nd accessory wires hooked to the remote start. You might not need the BROWN wire but you definately need to have the WHITE wire hooked up. |
New member Username: HymisPost Number: 2 Registered: Jan-07 | Skater Bum, thanks for the info. Im taking this to the shop who did the install. Is that normal if the wires are not connected correctly that the " BRAKE SYSTEM " error code only comes on somtimes? I thought if its a electrical problem the error code should show everytime the truck starts. What do you think? Thanks again! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 144 Registered: Mar-06 | James DeBello, A remote start basically duplicates the key turning in the steering column so it has to power electrically whatever the key powers manually. So, if the remote start isn't powering everything that it should, it will kick out error codes and then when you trun the key on, the key powers what it's supposed to and clears the codes. |
New member Username: WeezerPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-07 | hi everyone, i have a Viper ESP 800 alarm that i got for free, but it seems some ends of the wires are missing i will try to install it myself, but i was wondering if anyone could hook me up with the instruction manual. Thanks! Zac |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 145 Registered: Mar-06 | Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 800 ESP: |
New member Username: Kurtis570Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | I have a Viper alarm system in my 1986 Camaro. It has been at the body shop for a year and now they tell me it doesn't start or get any power. He believes it is related to the alarm. I'd like to not only disarm the alarm but uninstall it altogether. Any advice to get my car started and bypass the alarm? He also said he gets no power to the car that an alarm issue? |
New member Username: JdannehlPost Number: 7 Registered: Jul-06 | I am installing a Viper 791XV in a 1996 Chevy Full Sized Pickup. Can someone post TechTip 1041 or offer any advice on how to connect the door locks. As I understand, it uses reversing polarity for the locks and I don't know how to interface that. Thanks. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 147 Registered: Mar-06 | Kurtis, If you aren't getting ANY power to the car, then it is a car problem (i.e. dead battery). If you have power to everything else EXCEPT the starter, then it may be an alarm problem. Most alarms just interupt the starter wire also known as "starter kill." More expensive alarms also interupt the ignition wires as another form of protection. But, with either of these two systems, you should still have power to the car's accessories (i.e. headlights, dome lights, brake lights, etc.). Jeff Dannehl, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 791XV: And here's a link to Tech Tip #1041: 1.pdf |
New member Username: Kurtis570Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-07 | I appreciate the info and I had the same thought. I have never heard of an alarm that totally cuts all power- only ignition. How can I disarm and uninstall the alarm? Thanks |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 148 Registered: Mar-06 | Kurtis, If the car has no power, you don't need to disarm the system. To uninstall it, just unplug the wires going to the brain box, follow to wire to where they are connected, cut the wire and tape off the exposed wires in the car. You'll probably have to reconnect the starter wire near the steering column. |
New member Username: Vegas4everPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | Hello guys I need some help!! about a week I was driving my car and all out of nowhere the car just die, I tow it to the mechanic and he said the alarm system was the cause, now Im stuck with a death car and the mechanic is saying that he cant removed the alarm because he is a mechanic not a electrician" has anyone ever had anything like this?? can someone send me a link to the manual?? IS a VIPER 850vx and the car is a 98 ford contour. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 151 Registered: Mar-06 | esteban, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 850xv: |
New member Username: GeekassoPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | I am also looking for the installation manual for a Viper 5900 SST. Just had it installed, but would like to lower the chirp sound. Thanks in advance. |
New member Username: Jay2004Post Number: 6 Registered: Nov-06 | Hello, I lost my remote for my car alarm, everytime i start my car the alarm goes off and i have no way to turn it off, hence fourth draining my batter(which is now dead), I located the brain and removed the Fuse, Will this stop the alarm from going off, but still give me the ability to start my car and not setoff the alarm?? any help is greatly appreciated... Thank You |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 157 Registered: Mar-06 | Jay, Without the fuse in, you should be able to drive the car normally without the alarm going off. |
New member Username: Trungg808Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | I have an original Viper alarm installed in my 99 Accord. I lost one of my remote over the weekend so only one original left. So, I purchased a new Viper RPN 476V 266 Codes without any programing instruction. If anyone could help me find the programing instruction manual and if I program the new remote....CAN I STILL USE MY OLD REMOTE WITH THE NEW REMOTE. Thanks |
New member Username: HymisPost Number: 3 Registered: Jan-07 | Does anyone know how to program a Viper 791XV ? I have a diesel truck and I know they hooked up the wire behind the cluster so the alarm would wait to start until the glow plug light turns off. I had some work done and I think they may have reset it by accident. Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 161 Registered: Mar-06 | Trung Giang, What model Viper do you have? (i.e. Viper 791XV) James DeBello, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 791XV: |
New member Username: Trungg808Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-07 | 1 Original Viper remote model# EZSDEI475 1 New Viper (replace the lost remote) model# RPN 476V (need programing instruction) |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 163 Registered: Mar-06 | Trung Giang, I should have been more clear. What is the model of the Viper system? The number on the remote control is meaningless because you can use the same remote with other systems but the programming of the system is specific. You can find the model on the main unit under the driver's side of the dash. |
New member Username: HymisPost Number: 4 Registered: Jan-07 | Viper 791XV is the model I have. I'm trying to make sure the feature is turned on that waits for the blow plug light to go out. thanks! |
New member Username: VirtualspiderTomball, Tx Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | HELP?? Viper 266 (?) FCCid#EZSDEI475 Battery charged...alarm goes off won't start (try = alarm). Disconnected power & held #1 alarm button while reconnecting = didn't work. Disconnected siren now (going deaf). At a loss about to have it towed!?!?! |
New member Username: HymisPost Number: 5 Registered: Jan-07 | I have a Chevy 06 2500HD diesel. I had an 791VX installed with the autostart. From time to time when I use the auto start feature I get an error message on the dash that says " Service Brake System " After the truck rolls 25 feet for so the error goes away and everything is fine. Does anyone else have this same problem or know how to cure it? Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 180 Registered: Mar-06 | Lloyd Ledet, Turn the key to igniton and press the valet switch under the dash. James DeBello, It sounds like you may have to diode isolate your 791XV's brake input wire. It may be feeding back into the vehicle's computer generating the error code. |
New member Username: 20psisiPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | i have 1 2000 civic with a viper 690xv installed anf have not been able to successfully reprofram the 479 remote to it can you give me a link to that manual? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 181 Registered: Mar-06 | kyle, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 690XV: |
New member Username: TakuyaPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | Skater Bum - is there any way I could get the manual for the Viper 771XV installation? I want to find out what the wires are that my installer gave back to me are and how to add them in when I get the additional components for the trunk release and remote start. |
New member Username: AdrianozedPost Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | Hy to everyone here. I too have problems with my 791xv viper... I cannot operate my remote...lock/unlock does not work, but remote is not defective because the remote programing (vibrate,illuminate,etc...) work. Luckily my car is in the garage and window was down, so i discconected battery opened the door then coneccted battery so alarm wouldnt go off. Ive tried disarming the car with the valet button, but i dont know how many times i have to press the valet button after ignition on, so ive tried 1 time didnt work, ign off then back on try pressing 2 times didnt work...and so on till i got to 5 but it still didnt work. Ive checked all the wiring all is in properly, ive also tried the other functions with the valet button but none seem to work. I am really upset because now i cant drive the car anywhere, cant even start it. Anyone have any suggestions as to what to do ? Does the fact that i had door and hood open all the time make any difference when tring to disarm with valet button ? Please someone help me! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 186 Registered: Mar-06 | Adrian Arin, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 791XV: Transmitter/receiver learn routine is on page 34 and how to access valet mode is on page 51. |
New member Username: TakuyaPost Number: 2 Registered: Apr-07 | Anyway to get the 771xv install manual? I am wanting to add in the remote start and trunk popper at a later date, but will need the install sheet. |
New member Username: AdrianozedPost Number: 2 Registered: May-07 | Ive just tried the learn routine and everything else and it still does not work... At the moment it is armed, and i cannot get it to disarm. I got in the car and did the learn routine, and the alarm went off. I am so annoyed and frustrated its unbelievable |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 187 Registered: Mar-06 | Jason Tupeck, Here's a link to the installation guide for the 771XV: Adrian Arin, Is this the original remote control that came with the system? |
New member Username: AdrianozedPost Number: 4 Registered: May-07 | Yeh everything is original |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 190 Registered: Mar-06 | Adrian Arin, If the remote won't program to the system, remove the fuses from the system, usually under the driver's side of the dash, and take it to an authorized DEI retailer and have them diagnose the problem. |
New member Username: Sturg_1500Post Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | Dear Sir, I recently purchased a used vehicle. Through some investigation - I now understand that my vehicle is equipped with a Viper 300 ESP system. I have a LED near my steering column that is always RED. According to the documentation - this means that my system is in VALET mode. Unfortunately - I do not know how exit VALET mode. I have checked, and checked, and I do not see a VALET switch anywhere in the vehicle. Today, I stopped by the local VIPER dealer - and he gave me a switch for this system free of charge. With what I have told you - do you think there is anything I can do to reset my system - and or - hook up this new VALET switch? I am supposed to see a 1 sec blink on the LED - but I do not see it. Instead it is SOLID red. I appreciate any replies - I thank-you in advance for your time. Sturg_1500 |
New member Username: Sturg_1500Post Number: 2 Registered: May-07 | Hi again, Well you know what - with a little more patience - I have located my VALET switch. This was the thing I needed - and now the system performs exactly how it should. Problem solved. Thank you anyway. ~MS |
New member Username: AndymnelsonPost Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | Any chance you can find me an install manual for a Merlin 2000 (DEI product)? I need to get the remote programming sequence from it... thanks in advance! -andy |
New member Username: 91chevyPost Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | I recently purchased a '91 chevy s10 with a viper 900 car alarm. I'm trying to find a manual for it but having no luck. Can anyone help me? |
New member Username: Timmay69Post Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | hi gavin wu, or anyone else that can help. did u ever recieve any help or get hold of the installation guide or wiring diagram for the viper 480? i desperately need one! |
New member Username: RlccoinChattanooga, Tn Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | I'm trying to find a manual for a viper c50 can anyone please help me????? |
New member Username: Ish712Post Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | Can someone help, I am trying to find the installation manual for the Viper 5900. I have read all the previous postings, but could not find any reponses with a direct link for this manual. Thanks |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 195 Registered: Mar-06 | Ismael Quinones, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 5900: |
New member Username: Walt1Post Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | i bought a 1989 suburban with a viper alarm installed the doors lock remotely but thats it. Can anyone identify the model. it has v305326010 on the unit and the remote has ezsdei474v rpn474v 266 codes. |
New member Username: VipsPost Number: 1 Registered: May-07 | hi...i just bought a 99 dakota with a viper car starter. when i push the I button, the light flashes on the remote and the park lights flash on and off on my truck, but it will not start. there is a switch inside the cab that i have tried in both poisitions. does anyone know how to reset the starter or the proper way to get it started? the codes on the back of the remote are RPN471T 2(66) rolling codes FCC ID:EZSDEI471 thanks. |
New member Username: Ish712Post Number: 2 Registered: May-07 | Skater Bum,thanks for the information. |
New member Username: PeezyPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | I NEED HELP PLEASE!!!! I have a viper 350HV and for some reason it wont chirp now when I lock and unlock my doors with the remote. Everything works except the chirps. I have a feeling that I somehow put my viper system on permenant silent mode. Can anyone tell me how to get the chirps back. I REALLY would appreciate it. PLEASE HELP SOMEBODY, i have called every number I can and they keep telling me I am going to have to pay to get someone to look at it. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 196 Registered: Mar-06 | Chris Hodge, Here is a link to the Owner's manual for the 350HV: The information you are looking for is on page 13. Just in case, here's a link to the installation guide as well: |
New member Username: SirgeophPost Number: 2 Registered: Jun-07 | I've got a viper 350HV system and I have the Directed trunk release solenoid. The solenoid works fine with the included push button. I'm trying to wire it to the AUX button for the keyfob. As I understand it, the WHITE/BLUE wire on the brain box sends a 200mA signal when the AUX button is pressed. How should I go about this? I know I'll need a relay, but with what specs? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 198 Registered: Mar-06 | Geoff G, Wire the relay like this: 85 - To -AUX wire of alarm (white/blue) 86 - +12VDC 87 - +12VDC 87a - No connection 30 - To the + side of the trunk release solenoid |
New member Username: FivespeedsportBirmingham, AL Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | Skater Bum, Any idea where I could get an install manual for a Viper 211HV? Thanks! |
New member Username: FleissmanPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | ive just finished installing my viper 771xv and its working well except for the lights flash when arming and disarming. MY vehicle is a 2000 Mazda Miata. The car doesnt have any factory alarm and I followed the installation instruction for the alarm. I've connected the white wire (H1-white) to the wire in that activates the relay for the park lights. The system is configured for negative output on the brain. it will basically just connect the circuit ot ground but the lights are not lighting up. thanks! |
New member Username: SpikenickPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | Can somebody please get me a link to an INSTALLATION manual for the Viper 3202v or the 3002 Viper Security system. Both are the same, just newer additional remote is all. PLEASE HELP.. Trying to adjust options just had installed by Best Buy and they are no help at the moment. THANKS IN ADVANCE! ![]() |
New member Username: JanszenPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | Can you get the installation guide for the viper 1002 Thanks, Josh Janszen |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 202 Registered: Mar-06 | Spike Nick, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 3002: Josh Janszen, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 1002: |
New member Username: JanszenPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | Thank you, How hard do you think it is to install a system like the 1002. I have great wiring skills, do you think I will be able to get it done with that. |
New member Username: Kurtis570Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-07 | I have a viper alarm in my 1986 camaro that was installed about 11 years ago. It still works but the siren doesn't work and at this point I want to simply disarm and remove the whole thing. How do I do it? I didn't install it and have no idea where things are wired to etc. I tried to disarm it and couldn't do that either after trying for a 1/2 hour by using the button under the dash with the ignition on. Please help. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 204 Registered: Mar-06 | Josh Janszen, What make/model/year vehicle are you working on? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 205 Registered: Mar-06 | Kurtis, Find the brain unit under the driver side of the dash. It should look kinda out-of-place and say Viper on it. Basically all you have to do is unplug the main unit and reconnect the large yellow wire that was cut on your steering column if you had starter-kill installed. If you want to completely remove the wires, just follow each wire to where it is connected to the vehicle wiring, cut it off, and tape up the exposed end of the vehicle wiring. |
New member Username: JanszenPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-07 | Its a 91 Toyota Mr2 |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 206 Registered: Mar-06 | Josh Janszen, What's your email address? And, are you in the USA or the UK? |
New member Username: JanszenPost Number: 5 Registered: Jul-07 | its I live in the US |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 207 Registered: Mar-06 | Josh Janszen, Check your email! |
New member Username: FleissmanPost Number: 2 Registered: Jun-07 | Everyone, I finally fixed the problem on my 2000 miata about the park lights not flashing during arming. the culprit was a blown fuse on the wire (white wire). the system now arms and disarms great! But I have another problem. If the alarms gets triggered by a any door switch the system's LED will flash the corresponding zone that triggered the alarm. It says in the manual that the flashing of the led should be cleared once the ignition is turned on. Unfortunately mine doesnt clear up and it stays blinking (trying to display the zone that triggered the alarm). is there any way to clear this led message besides powering down the brain? thanks in advance! |
New member Username: 92broncPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | I've got a 1992 Ford Brocno XLT (the fullsize) I just recently purchased a Viper #1002 Alarm...I got the instructions off of this website. How hard would it be to install this on my own? Thanks everyone |
New member Username: Jjd70Southington, CT United States Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | I have a viper 160xv installed with 2 remotes. I changed the battery on one, now the remote lights work but do not actavate anything. The second remote is fine . this is a 4 funtion remote, lock, unlock, aux and start (*).Can you help me thanks |
New member Username: 92broncPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | Anyone? |
New member Username: 92broncPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-07 | Anyone? Its been a week. |
New member Username: AgressivedsmCentex, Texas Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | ok so my wife didnt close my door and completely drained my battery over the weekend by not closing the door all the way. i had to jump my truck and now my truck is not responding to the remote. the remote jumps gives me the error beeps. does it need a reprogram maybe? it is a 479v/p/c does anyone here know how to program this remote or have access to online manuals for this model? thanks much for any info. |
New member Username: SorrowPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | Ok, so I didn't see an issue that had to deal with my alarm system around, but if there is one, then I'm sorry for taking your time. My alarm system is the Viper 350HV Basically recently today I accidentally armed my vehicle while I had the door open and ever since then the LED light has been on. It never blinks or anything, it just stays on with the blue color that it should usually flash. I don't know if thats what caused the issue, because I have accidentally armed my vehicle before in the same manner and had no problems at all, so I don't know what is up. Also when I lock and unlock my vehicle it doesn't chirp, so not only does the LED stay on, but the alarm system doesn't chirp when locking and unlocking it... Any answers to this? Thanks in advance, all the help is greatly appreciated!!! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 208 Registered: Mar-06 | SORRY FOR THE DELAY PEOPLE BUT I HAVE BEEN ON VACATION! Joseph Mccain, Have you ever installed anything before? joseph dorio, Here's a link to the installation guide for the Viper 160XV: Try reprogramming your remote control to the system. The instructions are on page 27. shawn, What is the model of the alarm system? It should be on the top side of the brain box under the dash of the car. The number on the remote control is just the part number for the remote and is used for several systems. Akiel Malion, You put your system into Valet Mode. Here's a link to the Owner's Guide for the 350HV: The information you are looking for is on page 13. |
New member Username: SorrowPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | Ok thanks a bunch. Apparently though while trying to figure out the problem before I just got this I was locking and unlocking my vehicle as I had seen that the light was no longer on anymore and on the passenger side door it sounded as if a motor was running everytime it was unlocked and the sound got higher in pitch as though it was winding up. Could this be part of the same problem? Thanks. |
New member Username: SandmanxxGrover, NC Post Number: 2 Registered: Sep-06 | Quick question for the guru here ![]() Hope you had a good vacation! I am about to have a 3202v Viper installed. I am considering getting a 508d proximity alarm installed with it, or later, not sure yet. However, my question is: When the 508d is installed, ideally I would like to be able to fully arm the car without proximity with one button push, and have the proximity used as well with a second button push. Is there a way for the installer to do that? Or, as I have heard, it may be possible to use -full- alarm on one button push, and then turn off the proximity with 1+ more buttons pushes. Which way will it work? Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 209 Registered: Mar-06 | Akiel Malion, No, it doesn't sound related. Your door lock may just be stuck or getting old. Warren R, The system should be able to bypass a sensor with an additional press of a button right out of the box. You'll have to check your owner's manual for details on how to do this. |
New member Username: SorrowPost Number: 3 Registered: Jul-07 | Well I got my truck out of valet mode. I couldn't find the dang button that they put in there, so that was part of the problem, ha ha... As for the door lock. The issue seemed to clear itself up. I almost thought it was a messed up sylanoid, because my truck is a basically brand new 06 silverado with hardly any miles and engine time on it, so I doubted it was a door issue. Thanks again though! |
New member Username: SpikenickPost Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | I have a viper 3002 and when i hit the unlock button on my transmitter, all the doors are unlocked. What feature or how do i program a feature to make it so the first time the button is pushed it only unlocks the drivers, and then the others |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 211 Registered: Mar-06 | Spike Nick, Is that how you had it installed? It's not a simple programming change, it's an actual install modification. |
New member Username: StaffscarclubPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | hi guys, i have a ford focus and am after the wiring diagrams for the output wires and which is for which channel etc.. i have the viper 480xv and was wondering if anyone has the installation manual or diagrams? cheers. shaun |
New member Username: 92broncPost Number: 4 Registered: Jul-07 | Skate bum, Ive never installed a lot of electrical stuff. My dads pretty good with it. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 212 Registered: Mar-06 | Joseph Mccain, It'll take you a while but if your Dad there to help, you should be able to do it yourself. |
New member Username: Hughero1Ocean Springs, MS USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | I have a 1997 Suburban with Viper 300+. My battery recently went bad. I replaced battery and now when I advance the key to engage starter, seems all power is cut to vehicle. I now only see 6 volts on the hot wire to viper harness and alarm is barely audible. I can disconnect, then reconnect battery - alarm goes crazy. I disable alarm with remote, turn key to engage starter - same thing happens. I have removed the battery, starter and alternator - all check good. I have also checked all fuses/wires in car - all good. How can I isolate the vehicle electical system from the viper so I can troubleshoot the problem without the alarm intervening? Any help is appreciated! |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 216 Registered: Mar-06 | Robert Hughes, All you should have to do is unplug your Viper 300+ and reconnect your starter wire, usually yellow on Chevy's, and that should take the system out of the loop. |
New member Username: Spdngdv8Converse, Tx USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | K I have read everything on this posting and still have not been able to resolve my problem. I have a 97 GT Mustang, and it will not turn over, wife drove it about a week ago and the battery went low gave it a jump like always and now the damn "starter kill" is activated and wont let me turn on the car. This alarm came with the car I cant get to the brain cuz whoever installed it was very crafty and flexible. So i was able to do the over ride with the ignition key and door open - no start, did the valet trick - no start. Please any suggestions were moving out this week and need to be out by 31July, thanks for any other suggestions. |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 217 Registered: Mar-06 | marco carmona, If you think that it is the starter kill, reconnect the WHITE/PINK starter wire in the ignition harness located on the steering column under the dash. If it still does not turn over with this wire reconnected, you may have an immobilizer issue with the car. Start with the wire and let me know what happens. |
New member Username: Hughero1Ocean Springs, MS USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Jul-07 | Thanks for the information. I was able to isolate the alarm from the car electronics and quickly discovered a bad ground. All is well. Thanks again. |
New member Username: YoinePost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | hey do u have the manual for the viper 700 esp? cheers |
New member Username: 91chevyPost Number: 2 Registered: May-07 | Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the viper 900 manaul? |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 222 Registered: Mar-06 | teetz chogie, Here's a link to the installation manual for the Viper 700ESP: holly demmon, Sorry, but I have nothing for a Viper 900. |
New member Username: BigkylePost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | hey guys! i have an issue i hope you guys can help me with i tried searching for the problem, but no luck i have a viper remote rpn 487 V/P/X the alarm work fine with the alarm as far as activating and deactivating the alarm. but when ever i hit the lock or unlock button (or any button for that matter) i get 3 sets of 2 beeps as in Beep-Beep, Beep-Beep, Beep-Beep. but the alarm will still turn on or turn off, and my lights will flash.. its a minor annoyance, and i am just wondering if theres a way to fix it, with out spending 150$ on a new remote. the battery is fresh! Thanks Kyle |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 223 Registered: Mar-06 | kyle Walton, What model Viper alarm is it for? |
New member Username: Jedj5Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | hey skater bum, i have a viper 791vx alarm in my 91 nissan 240sx. my problem is that the alarm will go off for no reason, all the time.i am getting complaints from my neighbors.can you help me out please. thank you |
Silver Member Username: Skater_bumMilwaukee, Wisconsin USA Post Number: 225 Registered: Mar-06 | Jed, Here's a link to the Owner's Guide for your system. The information you are looking for is on page 34 under Diagnostics: |
New member Username: Jedj5Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-07 | skater bum, i have a bad boor switch on the driver that means my car thinks the driver's door is still open.would that be the reason why the alarm goes off?i tried reading the manual.but all it gave me was a headache.maybe im a dumbass. i got the alarm used and the person who installed it for me said i had to get a new remote because it would arm and disarm the alarm but, when the alarm goes off it doesnt page the remote.would that also be the reason? thank you in advance for your help.i really appreicate it. |