Looking for ideas for a 2 Sub+ Amp Package. Price range $0-$500. (lowers always better!) Looking for the best subs which hit hard with good quality. I dont know which subs are best out there.
Well, I like Metal and such but also Hip-hop/Rap with hard hitting bass. So I'd like a nice system that hits lows, as well as highs hard. I have a 1992 Mazada Protege with crappy speakers so hopefully subs will be nice
I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off as a mean, just makin a obvious point on what is to me expected on that budget. Those packages u see advertise with a bs mtx sub and amp are what u expect for 500.that's not includin proper wiring, good subs such as JL w series, audiobahns immortals,DD's are some top of the liners and they cost $$$
Np here in NY @ the famous canal strip u may be able to find something in that price range, 2 12in audiopipe in a ported box for 279 and u can get a crunch pz series for 200
I also know a person, who owns a car shop and will give me HIS price on anything, so im pretty set with the money, and im willing to spend over 500, i just would rather not. He can order anything and he'll give me his price. Ideas anyone?