my HU puts out 2 volts so i set the gain input to where it should be at 2 volts right....i guess maybe if someone has a link to a tuning walkthrough i'd love it.
also, the power/ground can just come from my distros right???
last thing and then im done posting....i need 3 remote wires (2 amps, eq) can i splice em (always had 2 amps never had problems) or should i get a relay?
you will most likely need a relay, when i had tried all of them spliced together one the M1 would power anything even those the EQS and C1 showed to have power.
theres only so much voltage the rem wire puts out and its normally not enough to run numerous things
set the input to 2 volts.. the output can be whatever you want.. if you set the output to be 3v youll know to turn the gain halfway on the amp since that would be 3v and you would have an easy gain match
imo just set the output to 4v and set the gain on the amp to the same