I just got my 2 DD 1508s hooked up today and they sounded great. untill i opened up the trunk and listened to it...one of them was makin like a vibrating sound. but if i held my finger on the bottom part of the rubber around the cone it would sound fine. anyone know what this is?
"I just got my 2 DD 1508s hooked up today and they sounded great. untill i opened up the trunk and listened to it...one of them was makin like a vibrating sound. but if i held my finger on the bottom part of the rubber around the cone it would sound fine. anyone know what this is?"
I'm guessing you're talking about the surround? Maybe they're bottoming out. What kind of power are you feeding them and what kind of box is this in?
Yea the surround... and i have a mrd-m1005 pushing them(1000 watts rms). and there in a box tuned to 40hz in 1.25 cubic feet. But its just one of them, and it does it at realy low volume so i dont think its bottoming out.
either you are doing something wrong mark or it is possible you got one with a problem. the problem you stated isn't common with dd so something is wrong.
Could be that the sub is leaking around the baffle.
I mounted 2 1508's w/ 4 screws awhile back just to hear em real fast before I carpeted a box and they made a sound similar to what you are saying. I pulled em out, carpeted the box, and remounted em right and they were fine.
Also, try free-airing the 8" thats making the sound. You may have one w/ a mis-alined coil.
the screws are on really tight...and i meant when i hold the foam part done around the cone is when it stops doin it...but it seems to be gettin worse. and like i said it does it at very low volumes. like if i turn it to 3 or 4 to where i can barly hear anything. i can hear the rattling/scratching sound.
Well i took it out and looked at it and yea it was fvcked. I took it back to the dealer. I think he said somethin like one of the coils was blacking out. but they didnt have any in stock so they have to order another one and i gotta go pick it up this week. I think the one that was messed up was the one they had on display so no tellin what happend to it