Are volfenhag amps and subs good?


Hey im not sure what to get on a low budget with the most bass.. but how are volfenhag amps and subs..and if so what set up would give the most bass

i have 2 12's and an 800 watt amp all volfenhag and they hit hard, if u bridge the amp youll probably get a lot better bass but youll also blow a lot of fuses

i've got two volfenhag 12's and a volfenhag 1600 watt amp and it hits so hard it hurts to listen too it. the only problem is that the amp hits the safty temp way to early. i dont suggest wiring in 2 ohm. it draws way too much power.

I have 2 10" subs with a 1600 watt amp and they rock so hard it got my girlfriend wet.

Hey i have 2 15" volfenhag subs 1200 watt peak each and 600 watt rms. I have them runnin on 300 watts each... shity right? fuk no these hit hard and sounds nice and crisp

i have two twelve inch infinity reference subs (the older style) with a 1000 watt 4 channel volfenhag amp. each sub is bridged on one channel and the subs hit so hard it makes the trunk pop open.

hey, I have an 800W volfenhag amp with 1 12inch volfenhag sub bridged and it hits pretty hard. but not hard enough for me, I'm thinking about unbridging it to see if I can get any more power, don't get me wrong it rocks my car, but I want more!!!!!

i have 2 12 inch volfenhag 1000 watt subs and a 1600 watt volfenhag hit so hard it poped the trunk open and cracked the sunroof i highly recommend volfenhag.


are you guys with the 1600watt amps running caps??

volfs blow

sounds good on paper but how hard does volfenhag really hit ? does any one know what the real wattage is?

You should read my new book "Volfenhag sucks".Here is the first chapter "Volfenhag sucks".Look,I am a big fan of spending my money wisely on my car audio stuff.I love BOSS amps despite their bad rap.I have never had one let me down.But Volfenhag will never even get you into the TRUE 500watt RMS areana.Their biggest amp claims to be 1600 watts.Ya,thats 1600 watts max by 2 channels into 2 ohms.So,that would be 400 watts rms by 2 at 2 ohms"when lightning strikes",which would make it about 200 watts rms by 2 at 4 ohms.So let me reiterate,VOLFENHAGS BIGGEST AMP IS ONLY 200 WATTS RMS BY 2 CHANNELS AT 4 0HMS.And I guarantee those specs are a little far fetched.At least if you look hard enough you can find RMS values for BOSS amps.Volfenhag doesnt even rate their amps with RMS values.

Hans Doushenbagen
I have 10 12" Volfenhag subs powered by a custom built volfenhag amp built to my specifications. They haven't let me down yet and they never will. Anyone who doesn't like volfenhag's is just a stupid retard with no knowledge for true car audio. I LOVE VOLFENHAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hubert Steinshemshnitzel
Volfenhag makes the best subwoofers and the best amps. Anything else is crap. Especially Boss amps.

Hey Hubert and Hans,are you guys ga*y lovers?Volfenhag doesnt build custom amps Douchenbangem.They are built on an assembly line in Japan.The only thing german about that line is the name.And their subs are garbage,the biggest magnet on their subs is like 60oz. and then they cover the magnet with a huge t-yoke plate and bolt it down to make it look bigger.I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE THEY BUY THE PARTS TO BUILD THEIR SPEAKERS,IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME GO THIS LINK AND YOU CAN FIND ALL THE PARTS THEY USE.THE LINK GOES TO THE T-YOKE SECTION SO YOU CAN SEE THE EXACT T-YOKE THEY USE,#3.

hey hans how many amps do you use to power 10 subs

you guys are weenies, think about it: Doushenbagen (douche in bag...)

Noone really *likes* volfenhag, they just don't like seeing them get ripped apart on here. Honestly though, $74 shipped. What do you expect?

kenny richards
hey, dueshenbagen, dont take that crap from these guys. ive got three volfenhags powered by two volfenhag amps. there so loud and powerful i blew out my windshield,(i drive a ford fiesta). they are the best subs and always will be. and no anonymouse, im Vincents ga'y lover

hans doushenbagen
actually i do have a custom built volfenhag amp. it was rated at 15,000 watts. It is built into my car where the back seat used to be. if you are wondering how i got it made. I worked on the volfehag production floor in japan for 3 years and i was able to build my own amp to my specifications. its not to hard to do when you have all the right stuff. if you dont believe me i will gladly e-mail you a picture. my volfenhag system is in my 1985 suburban. it was one of the biggest volfenhag systems ever. And also i do not know who this hupert steinshemshnitzel is but i am not his ga*y lover and this is no fu**ing joke you stupid little punks. and yes my last name is doushenbagen not doushe in bag. I was born in germany in 1965. I wouldn't talk anymore sh*t until you have the facts straight.

kenny richards
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Kenny Richards is a Liar
"..ive got three volfenhags powered by two volfenhag amps. there so loud and powerful i blew out my windshield,(i drive a ford fiesta)."

LOL! The windshield blew out because you sneezed. Don't pfart or you'll lose the back glass too.

The only people who believe you are still in grade school. The only way you will break glass with volfenhag is to bash it.

Hans you are such a retard.I lied,volfenhag is actually manufactured in taiwan.I'm not sure where you worked in japan,but it wasnt volfenhag.

LOL Volfenghag is crap. ALl you guys saying that you cracked this and poped out your trunk and windshiled then you are morons. Why the hell would you want to crack your windows or blow out anything. All you morons got ripped off with this junk. I got MTX 9500 12" with MTX 81000D and it will blow away anything you got. And sound good doing it. Iam sorry guys dont by the crap. Just say no.

Hans Doushenbagen
hey anonymouse you little fuc**ng punk. maybe you should research your volfenhag history a little bit more. i moved from germany to japan in 1993 when the first volfenhag plant was built in a small village called Jaing Tai. I worked there from 94 to 97 when the japan plant shut down. so there definitly was a volfenhag plant in japan and you don't know what the he*ll you're talking about because your so stupid and retarded. Don't you get it. i worked at volfenhag. you didn't! Oh yes, Mr. T your MTX system,lol, it FUC**NG SUCKS so bad. If any of you retards ever heard the power of my volfenhag system you would finally be able to hear true car audio. I garauntee that my system is better than anybody elses on this message board. 10 12" come on. nobody even comes close to my volfenhag system. like i said before i will send a picture to anyone if they don't believe me.

by the way, kenny richards is no liar dumb a*ss.

im sorry hans i love volfenhag

Kenny Richards Is A Liar

"I garauntee that my system is better than anybody elses on this message board."

...and I gUarantee that your english sucks. Probably better than the other 6th graders but we'll let you slide.

"10 12" come on. nobody even comes close to my volfenhag system."

How about 16 12" subs. Does this come close? Wanna play?

"like i said before i will send a picture to anyone if they don't believe me."

The pictures you found on the internet? Nice...

"by the way, kenny richards is no liar dumb a*ss."

Um, he claims that three $79 12" subs blew the windshield out of his car. He is a liar but I welcome him to back it up (which he can't.) Actually, if his three subs blows windshields out, your ten subs should blow the roof off and trigger earthquakes and tidal waves *laffs* Maybe knock earth off it's axis of rotation with 10 of them!

Lying punks, nothing but punks.

Boy Hans,you sure do put alot of effort into your lies. You must get pretty tired after awhile. And next time you post under the name I use, remember to use a capitol A.

you guys are all idiots, in the audio bussiness the simple and only law is -"you get what you pay for"

i payed a bit for my dd3515, but its one of the best dayam subs out(excluding the 9515 and w7 ect)
my system is quality...

Kenny you sure do talk a lot of sh*it

My system is better than yours i GUARANTEE.

jason bishop
Theese subs are trash! But theyre the best souding trash you'll probably invest in. Some times its a disgrace when a handful of theese subs begin to approach the spl's my JL W7's put out. Sad but true, and alot cheaper.

All you people out there getting dissed by this anonymous pri*k, dont listen to him.
He thinks He knows it all.
One thing Vol-Fen-Hag is on contract to be made in china, and for your info anonymous retard all amps can be customized by anyone who knows electronics.
Vol-Fen-Hag is a state of the art component and they
have built there amps right the first time around.
Not like BOSS, using cheap IC Amp chips till they sold a few and fix all the screw ups later.
BOSS is made in china just like every thing else just about but I know electronics and have seen the quality in the Vol-Fen-Hag compared to the BOSS and the Boss is really a monument to junk.
You are one of those idiots that have never heard a good quality system because you either can't afford one or dont know how to hook one up.
All the names of the audio industry started out with critics like you but your only one and there is alot more out there for the Vol-Fen-Hag than aginst and Vol-Fen-Hag has not failed such as BOSS
has so shut your trap.
If you had any B*lls you would not run your mouth and then sign (????ANONYMOUS????), WIMP!

anyone know where i could get a complete volfenhag package.with 2 12" subs , amp, and maybe a box from?? thanks

Pete ur wasting ur money

Hans Doushenbagen
Pete- ebay has the package deal you are looking for
2 12" volfs with a 1600W volf amp and amp kit for $300. Not to bad for a quality product.

hans doushenbagen
Yes Mike you are correct. Volfenhag is the best and Anonymouse is a litte piece of sh*t pu*ssy punk who obviously doesn't know sh*t about anything. I know Volfs are out of China but i still remember the old days at the first Volf plant in Jaing Tai. What a great experience. I got a first hand look at quality when I worked there.

oh i almost forgot:
Anonymouse is a fuc*ing retard

Jaing Tai? Was that before or after you worked in Japan? You fuc*king broke a*ss bit*ch and your welfare volfenfag system.

shup up yomaz, come to my shop and talk sh!t to me face to face like you do to everyone else online,TTcustoms, 156 roosevelt, beloit, wi, 53511, open any time, i have and upstairs apartment,so i'll be here, so i'm ready when ever you are b!tch. either change your f<ckin attitude on this forum, or start being respectful to others, or i'll change for you. got it kid? you see i'm not hiding behind a screen and fake name. i use my REAL name and REAL address!!!talkin sh!t online is what a punk does, can't you see that man. grow up, none of us think it's cool to be big and bad online. an old saying talked about not talkin trash over the phone, nothing can be proven over a wire, SETTLE THINGS FACE TO FACE, AND THAT INCLUDES TALKIN TRASH.

p.s. other guys, sorry for the cussin,i just can't stand take this kids trash anymore.


Hans Doushenbagen
Volfenhag is a bottom dollar product. Remember that, expect no more out of them and you'll be happy with them.

Please don't try to compare our product to Alpine or Fosgate, I know they are ten times the quality but they are also three times the price.

When you blow them up, just keep reminding yourself that you only paid $79 for the subs...makes it not such a disaster afterall.

you all do know that anything over like 500 watts of power is rediculous. you could never reasonably use that much power. i guess the point is that you CAN go to 1600w, not that you NEED or WANT to.


alright..this is totally not a volfenhag ? but.., what u guys think my friend might sell me his jl audio w6 v1 for 320$ .. i know its a good deall but what kind of amp. should i buy and how should i wire it..
my friend at best buy..could get me 2 HE2 fosgates subs for 160$ and amp for 100$ ,..warranty..]

what u guys think i should do....

those new chrome he2 subs slam, get'em.(sealed box) good luck

Corey Wilson
I have 2 volfenhag 1200 watt comp subs in a dual ported box and a 1600 watt volfenhag amp and just won 5 competitions against audiobahn, kicker, JL audio, and rockford fosgate and whipped their crap all over the place. so these kick A** and I don't care what anyone says about them. I went against 4 he2 RF and they suck by the way.

i'm glad your system sounds good, the brands you mentioned are good as well, so go easy on'em. haha
later bro

well if your amp is really rated at 1600 watts, against other 1600 watt amps from the brands you mentioned, i highly doubt it, considering the volfenhag amps are highly overrated and wouldnt do well in competitions due to their high ratings and low output. think about the lie before you post it on the net k? and btw, wut kind of comps were these? iasca, db drags? what?

It's all bullsh*t ha ha

sup all.. i just bought 2 typers subs and very close in buying the punch 601s 1800watt max.. its perfect spec wise (300watts rms to each sub) but was wondering if this would be a good amp for these subs... or is the amp too powerful and stick with a 600 watt amp at less then 200 rms each.?

its like 230$ on ebay....

ne comments?? thanks

Hans Douchebag
Hans Douchebag, you don't know sh!t and you never worked for Volfenhag. You are probably a little high school kid. Volfenhag, boss, cuspid, they all suck. If you are looking for good products, see MTX, JBL, older orion's, jl audio, rockford fosgate

Hey, I Have two volfenhag 15" subs with 300 watts goin to each sub in a sealed box comin from a Planet Audio Quadra 4 channel amp bridged). These subs are dirt cheap that is tru. and you all will think there so sh*ty bc the price and ther an unknown brand. Well f*ck you all These subs WAXXED two rockford fosgate Punch XLC 15' subs with the same amp. i sold those f*ckers in a heart beat. and my volfenhags are under powered by 300 watts. f*ck all of you that say volfenhag is so sh*ty. say what you want they do pound im not halucinating when i hear them. I want two 600 watt amps for them and a new box bc the box i have now is so sh*t. once that happends they will pound. there not my favorite brand i like JL, fosgate,phoenix gold better but wen i was buyin a system i had low budget but those are still my fave brands. but these volfenhags should be more well known even if some nerd in his basement spends 5 bucks for parts and superglues em together they POUND. bottom line.

Hans Doushenbagen
You can believe whatever you want. I only speak the truth.

man i just bought 3 volfenhag 12" 1200 watt max with 2 1600 watt 2 channels and man i blow away my friends= that has 4 jl w3 12" with 2 2600 watt legacy blues i mean he is no match for my 3 volfs and the 2 1600 watt amps i didnt think the volfs could do it vs. 4 w3 12" from jl audio but hey they did it and im very happy with them this year on the christmas list sits 1 more 12" 1200 watt volf with 2 15" volfenhags but you really cant go wrong i dont have the volfs with the little flex that are only 1000 watt peak i have the 1200 with the huge flex and man they are awesome i cant say anything bad about them plus look at the price for the ones i got with the big flex retail at 300 per sub but i got them for 120 per sub because they have to get ride of the 2003 subs so there cheap right now bcause the 2004 sipments will be in very soon

I'd suggest avoiding Volfenhag entirely.
If you want affordable, well made amplifiers, look at JBL or Cadence.
Those are the cheapest "good" amplifiers I'd consider buying at all.
For subs, look at eD (edesignaudio dot com), Kicker, cerwin-vega, etc. good companies, as opposed to these junk companies like pyramid, boss, volfenhag, audiobahn, etc.

my choices are 4 volfenhag 12'' (the 1200 watt kind) or 2 15'' diamond tdx's what should i do.

between the two companies, Diamond Audio is by far the better choice.

diamond audio is better, volfenhag is still good. i thinnk that 4 12's volfenhag will give those diamonds a good run for their money easy

New member
Username: Shisnic

Post Number: 1
Registered: 12-2003
what is the weight of the magnet of the 1200 watt 12'' volfenhags

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 5
Registered: 12-2003
If you have the power to run four volfenhag 12"s do it.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 1
Registered: 12-2003
don't be misled. magnet weight doesn't mean anything. magnets can be made of different materials which have different magnetic field strengths, not to mention if the magnet is too large, the driver will be over-damped, and that will detract from the abilities of the sub.
bigger isn't always better, and volfenhag makes total crap to be honest. You couldn't pay me to use their stuf in my own car.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 6
Registered: 12-2003
f*ck you volfenhag pounds and thats all there is to it. i wouldnt lie, there not my favorite brand but i hate to say they pound

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 38
Registered: 12-2003
you're welcome to your opinion. I'm welcome to mine.
The childish behavior is unneeded. Take some of Volfenhag's gear apart some time and look at the shoddy construction. the speaker coils are poor, the specs aren't that impressive, and they cut a lot of corners to make the products "cheap." Then they chrome plate everything to make it shiny and pretty to attract the unwary consumer.

If you want good subs, look at Adire Shivas. They run about $125 each.
Elemental Design is another good option.
JBL, Kicker, MTX, and Cadence all have good amplifiers, and all of them are better constructed than anything Volfenhag has to offer.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 7
Registered: 12-2003
Umm mine arent chrome plated there red, i dont care if there built as shitty as a Ford. they could be built out of sh*t for all i care. They sounds awesome either way.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 51
Registered: 12-2003
as a Ford? hahaha
that much I can concur with readily. that was amusing. Gah, you couldn't give me a Ford.

Sound is subjective anyway. If you're happy with them, that's what matters in the end.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 8
Registered: 12-2003

New member
Username: Shisnic

Post Number: 3
Registered: 12-2003
wich is better the 1200 watt subs or the 1000 watt sub by volfenhag some saying the 1000 watt is better what does anyone know about the two models of 12'' volfenhags

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 81
Registered: 12-2003
They are both total crap to be perfectly clear about it.
If you want cheap subs, try or Adire Audio
MUCH better subs.

New member
Username: Liquidsnakeblue

Post Number: 10
Registered: 12-2003
They are both total crap, but the 1200 watters handle more power. (duh) Agree with glasswolf about it though... Volfenhag are "total crap"

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 9
Registered: 12-2003
haha you guys for the 1000000th time, volfenhags are awesome. i know i own two 15" 1200 watts a peace. there excellent. everybody dont listen to anyone else. i know shitty bass just like the next guy. this isnt shitty bass.

New member
Username: Derek_i

Post Number: 5
Registered: 12-2003
for the 10000000th time, you dont know whta ur talking about. cheap components=cheap sound. you get what you pay for.

me, kiki, hydro, we've been at this for a while now, we know what were talking about. frankly i dont care what you have bob, you are most likely just defending them because you own them. if you had some nicer equipment, you would probably see the difference between "shitty bass" and "clean bass"

New member
Username: Hydro

Post Number: 23
Registered: 12-2003
Lets do a little comparison for Bob:
15" Volfenhag 12" Adire Audio Shiva
Hag:Xmax 16mm(theoretical) Shiva:Xmax 16.6mm
Hag:Fs 29 Hz Shiva:Fs 21 Hz
Hag:Rms 600w Shiva:Rms 250w
Hag:SQ:Poor Shiva SQ:Great
Ok I did a little research and both subs are about the same price If you had a choice from those 2 bob which would you choose?

New member
Username: Hydro

Post Number: 24
Registered: 12-2003
Also Take into Consideration more power a sub needs the bigger the amp u need,the bigger the amp the bigger the drain on ur Battery.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 129
Registered: 12-2003
actually the more current the amplifiers need, the bigger the alternator you need, or bank of batteries when the car's engine is turned off.

heh yeah good comparison. Looks like the one recently where some guy tried to tell me the MTX 9512 sub had over an inch more Xmax than a JL 13W7.. and that I needed to research my facts. hahaha
yeah. 9512=25mm one-way Xmax.
13W7=32mm Xmax one-way
talk about a MASSIVE excursion.. dang. 32mm one way.

New member
Username: Hydro

Post Number: 26
Registered: 12-2003
Glass Have you took a glance at the Xmax on the A-Series 8"Elemental Design Sub 16.5mm thats moving alot of air for an 8" driver.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 137
Registered: 12-2003
yeah their A series are some nice drivers.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 10
Registered: 12-2003
OK yes volfenhag is cheap yes, sh*t materials, most likely, and im not defending them because i own them I bought these then i bouthgt two Rockford Fosgate Punch XLC 15" whoofers, they got there a*s handed to them by volfenhag and I LOVE rockford. but i sold those cause they didnt out preform the volfenhags that were underpowered by 300 watts. volfenhag is not my favorite brand there just what i could afford at the time. im all about JL, rockford, phoenix gold. id much rather have a W7 or some other EXPENSIVE sub but you get your bang for your buck with volfenags. And im not the only person who thinks this, everyone in my town who's heard my system tells me there impressed with it.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 149
Registered: 12-2003
Take those subs to a state or national IASCA or USAC event and see if you're still impressed when you get your own butt handed to you by every person competing with you. No offense, but RF isn't that great either so it's not surprising that those Volfenhags kept up with them, particularly when you aren't using a good amplifier with a power output matched to the subs.
Plus, if the rest of the system is of the same calibre as those subs, this would be another viable reason for the poor overall performance.
I'm glad you can impress all of the kids at your school, but honestly that's not saying much. Most of the kids where I went to school would be impressed by a BOSE wave radio, too.
If all you can afford is $20 for a sub, then sure they are fine I guess, but if that's the case I'd be of the mind to suggest that you get a job instead, or save ypour money to buy something better.
For as little as ~$50, you can buy a Kicker Comp 12" sub that will be a very nice sub, for years to come if you take care of it, and it's built with quality.

The golden rule of car audio: you get what you pay for.

that applies to everyone. I'm not picking on your particular system.

New member
Username: Booya

Post Number: 1
Registered: 12-2003
Hi,Im really glad i came upon this forum. I have a few anybody that really knows what they're talking about... I have been closely looking at volfenhag subs perticularly the ZX-4710 and ZX-4712 and amps for the last week on the internet. Comparing the price and performance (im an amature and have little knowledge on this matter) with other subs and amps they seem to be a great deal. I know the golden rule "you get what you pay for" holds true to everything. I was just trying to keep the 2 subs and amp around 3 or 4 bills. And I would also like for the subs to be able to hit that low freq. I guess around 25hz is good??? Oh, I will also be putting this concoction in the back of a 99 chevy silverado, standard cab pickup (not extended). Is this overkill? would it even fit? Im completely open as im still much confused on how I should do this. Thanks

New member
Username: Hydro

Post Number: 35
Registered: 12-2003
Truck isnt Extended cab that might cause some problems with Space,Volfenhags are some of the cheapest made drivers on the market,poor sound quality and they need too much power to run at their max level.They are right down there with Pyramid,Audiobahn,Legacy,Pyle,Boss,Lightning Audio,and sony.Go with Some 10's from Elemental Designs or JL Audio's 10W3v2 for high performance and Sound Quality In a Small Amount of Space.Adire Audio Shivas are about 120 bucks and there the best Drivers around for the Price.

New member
Username: Booya

Post Number: 4
Registered: 12-2003
cool, i will definately take a look into those other speakers. while we're still on the subject, what amp would you recommend for the 2 10" JL's? As i would like them to work at their full potential :-) (hopefully they will fit in a truck box)I will only be using it to power the two subs. I have read that a 1 channel (mono?) amp would be the best way to go for 2 subs...however the $$cost is signaficantly more that a 2 channel amp, per watt. if you think a two channnel amp is fine, than ill just go that rout...thanks for the info...

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 11
Registered: 12-2003
if i took my subs to IASCA or USAC id hope to hell i get my a*s handed to me those guys put so much into their systems. and my sistem isnt bad at all. I got a Pioneer DEH 8400MMP deck, two kicker 5x5's in the councel, an Alpine 6x9 and a Phoenix gold 6x9, a 600 watt 4 channel amp running my speakers, 1200 watt BOSS R-635 amp running my subs (just got it today, now my subs are at 600 watt RMS, wow!)and the "kids" at my school are running phoenix gold, Alpine, Kicker, Rockford and alot of other brands. if i had more money id easily buy some JL's, phoenix golds,kickers or another brand but i never. i bought these subs, tuned them in and they sounds great for the price.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 12
Registered: 12-2003
oh by the way, the volfenags were running 300 watts underpowerd while the RF's were running in a good power range. the Rockfords sounded great but the volfenhags took the edge. now i boosted each sub up 300 more watts, it should sounds ggreat.

New member
Username: Derek_i

Post Number: 8
Registered: 12-2003
sorry to break it to you....but your subs arent getting close to 600 watts a piece.

check the specs and the RMS rating on that amp.

not too good....

take a look at the fuses on the amp and tell me what the rating is....then we'll see how much wattage you are actually getting to those subs AT MOST.


New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 161
Registered: 12-2003
The Adire Shiva, or JL's W0 or W3v2 lines would be an excellent choice for subs.
For a cheap amplifier, look at Cadence or JBL.
The JBL BP300.1 runs about $150 or so and will deliver a solid 300WRMS x 1 @ 2 Ohms. That'd be 150 watts each to a pair of 4 Ohm subs.
That's dead on for power needs on the W0 and Shiva subs.
for a little more, the BP600.1 would do well on the W3v2.

New member
Username: Hydro

Post Number: 38
Registered: 12-2003
For the 10W3v2's I would recommend the JbL Bp600.1 amp like Glass said or you could go with a nice 2-channel kicker amp maybe the 800.2.If you have money to spend the JL 500/1 would compliment ur system perfectly.

New member
Username: Booya

Post Number: 5
Registered: 12-2003
Great, thanks for all the info, i will take a look into those. im really glad i did not go with the volenhags after all. I would rather pay a bit more and get a better setup and have something that sounds better, lasts longer and works more efficiently. I know that JL's are really good. My sister has two 12" JL's in a sealed box,and a phoenix gold amp in the trunk of a 2000 jetta...and it hits hard.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 181
Registered: 12-2003
on a side note, the Shivas can take up to 650WRMS each.. so if you want to give them the power, they'll take it.. but they'd be great with even 300W each from the 600.1 of JL's 500/1

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 13
Registered: 12-2003
Hey buudy go to that site and open your eyes:Max power, 2 ohms
600w x 2
RMS power, 4 ohms
200w x 2
Bridged power
1200w x 1

my subs are wired at 2 ohms which means when i turn the amp up they will have the 600 watts.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 191
Registered: 12-2003
If you were talking about that link about 7 posts up, regarding the BOSS Riot R635 (*gag*)
Here's the real stats for it:
200wRMS x 2 @ 4 Ohms Stereo
400wRMS x 2 @ 2 Ohms Stereo
800wRMS x 1 @ 4 Ohms Bridged
That's at best. I doubt on a scope it could really even produce that much power.

If you have a stereo 2 Ohm load on that Boss amplifier, at best, your subs are getting 400 watts each, continuous.
Remember, peak output is meaningless in audio gear. This output cannot be sustained for more than a brief instant, making the figure pointless.
Your continuous, or RMS power ratings are all that matters in the real world.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 16
Registered: 12-2003
where did you get those real statistics from?

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 196
Registered: 12-2003
the same link, actually.
you can derive all of them from the 4 Ohm stereo RMS power rating.
The power output will approximately double when going from 4 Ohms to 2 Ohms Stereo (the better the amplifier, the closer to double the power, but something is always lost to efficiency, from an electrical standpoint in reality so it may really only by about an 80% increase at half the impedance, but we'll round up)
then the bridged 4 Ohm output will equal the combined 2 Ohm stereo output, since bridging inverts one channel's signal and the amp sees half of the actual load due to this.

remember, I noted that "max" power ratings are essentially meaningless, but "lesser" companies like boss, legacy, pyramid, rockwood, sony, and others use "max" power ratings to make their products sound more impressive.
Peak, or Max output is only reached in bursts, for a momentary peak of output, but the RMS rating is the maximum power the amplifier can actually supply continuously. RMS is therefore the best way to compare products fairly.
here is some more quantitative data on amplifier power and how to measure it:

I hope some of this helps. some links there are more technical than others.
If you need anything broken down further, or explained, just ask.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 17
Registered: 12-2003
Hey,i just hooked up that BOSS r-635 amp and the subs move like theres no tomoro but theres no BASS. none at all even when i turn the amp right up a tweeter makes more bass. could this be a setting on the amp or what?

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 213
Registered: 12-2003
most likely.
make sure "LPF" or low pass filter is set to on, and that the XO or crossover point is set to about 80Hz.
turn off any "bass boost" buttons
set phase shift to 0 degrees.
set the amplifier gains no higher than half way until you can properly adjust them. remember gains don't make the amp produce more power. They are simply to balance the input line voltage from the RCAs to the signal voltage for the amplifier.
Turning gains too high will only cause the amplifier to clip, which damages the speakers.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 18
Registered: 12-2003
Hey the only switches i got on my amp are:
Input sensitivity-100mn-2v
Level- min or max
crossover-high pass,full, low pass
Lowpass- 45 hz, 90 hz
Bass boost- 0db,18 db
what do u recomend each of those should be set at (your options are after the dashes (-))

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 216
Registered: 12-2003
ok input sensitivity is the same as "gain" although a more accurate term for it.

crossiver = low pass

lowpass = 90Hz is good start. try lower later if you want it tighter.

boost = 0 (for now)

from the sound of it, that amp is class-AB, and may not have enough power to drive subs well.
you may want to look for a class-D sub amp specifically.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 19
Registered: 12-2003
ok i'll try those settings, i think it will run my subs well because i have a planet audio amp runnin 300 watts to each sub and they ran like a champ,this boss amp its runnin some where between 400-600 watts to each sub.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 229
Registered: 12-2003
on a side note..
planet audio = boss.
same company.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 20
Registered: 12-2003
i tried that ur advice, no difference, and planet audio is way better than boss, well planet's amps kick asssssss any way.

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 230
Registered: 12-2003
ok lets see.
the speakers are moving.. back and forth?
are they producing any sound at all?
try to be more detailed in describing what's happening.
This may be some other soft of problem like a bad ground, bad amp, or a short.. something like that.

Planet Audio seems to have a bit better product, but it is owned by Boss Audio, that's all I was noting. They share the same website as well.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 21
Registered: 12-2003
ok the subs move as if makin bass and it sounds like bass but reallly quiet and buzzy sounding even if i turn it up its just like quuiieet buzzy bass. the ground and wiring is all good because my old amp used the exact same setup. maybey the rcs's are in the wronge output on my cd player?

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 22
Registered: 12-2003
well the bass isnt really buzzy just a littlke quiiet and not deep and thumpy.but wen u sit in the car theres like no bass at all and theres like no bass wen the trunk is poped its weird.

New member
Username: Cutlas

Post Number: 23
Registered: 12-2003
Hey i was just playin around with my RCA's and when theres only the red wire plugged in to the deck then the bass is good but when i plug in the red and black rca wires the bass goes shitty?

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 246
Registered: 12-2003
sounds like one of the subs is out of phase.

New member
Username: Booya

Post Number: 7
Registered: 12-2003
OK, Been looking around and have ordered 2 of those adire shivas Mk IV's. I have also been looking around to find a box that will house these beasts of sub in a truck box. I know that this perticular box will fit in the back, however looking at the stats of this box, im not sure whether the they are measuring the 5"D at the absolute top of the box or the top mounting depth of the speaker hole. If it is 5"D at the absolute top of the box, the shiva should fit, however, if that that measurement stat is taken from the top of the speaker cut-out, it wont fit. Shiva---> (Front Mount Rear Depth: 5 1/8 ) here is the web site advertising the box.
18"L x 14"H x 5"D (top)/8.25"D (base)


New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 261
Registered: 12-2003
try starting a new damned thread.
this one is over 100 posts now and has NOTHING to do with the original topic.
also if the question is about subs, leave it in the SUBS AREA


New member
Username: Booya

Post Number: 8
Registered: 12-2003
heh, my bad...

New member
Username: Unimatrixone3

Post Number: 1
Registered: 12-2003
Hello I am new to this forum. I was wondering if the volfenhag amps and subs are a really good investment. I have Audiobahn, MA audio, and Kicker products and i thought they are kick A** but i got a new car and I always like to try out less reconized or popluar brands. I am looking too get 2 ZX7180 amps which will power 4 ZX4812 subs in 2 ported band pass boxes is this a good combo what do you volfenhag users think? Oh and how would i go about wiring them? i make my own custom boxes. I will check back soon. Later PLZ email if you have suggestions Subject::: Volfenhag

New member
Username: Booya

Post Number: 9
Registered: 12-2003
Just to let you know, i have looked at the volfenhags and have come to conclusion that, yes, they are CRAP. Although I have not personally listended to the quatlity or sound of these subs, rather most poeple mutually agree that these subs are garbage. Trust me, i spent many hours on the internet looking at them and then i started reading all these forums and now i changed my mind. There are many people in here that are very knowledgeable on car sterio equipement and this is what there all saying. Look around, you can find alot better subs for just a little bit more. later...

jay amaro
Unregistered guest
well i own a custom high end audio business and i have worked for Custom Sound which is a chain of audio stores spread throughout the southeast in a few states and various cities. we were an authorized sony, rockford fosgate and alpine and bostwick dealer. i designed, built and installed custom competition systems for them. i am 32 and have been doing this kind of work for about 15 years and have installed, repaired and used everything from top of the line to the worst junk out there and basically its really about how much someone wants to spend in relation to how good they want a system to sound.
now personally i only use sony and rockford fosgate and bazooka ONLY in both my cars but thats because i know what i like and what i want and dont mind paying more for it but on the other side of the issue i can take something like "pyramid", "boss", "legacy", "LA sound", "thump", "realistic (i.e. radio shack) and yes "volfenhag" and make it sound good with the right box design you can get bass from a cheap subwoofer. and yes all those brands and many other ones some lower end name brands it is true they all use max rated power versus rms but then again all the top name brands under rate their amps in specific rockford generally are under rated by 1/3 and anyone whos used a rockford knows what im talking about and they do that for competitions and you can use a rockford amp sold at a wattage rating and compete in a certain class but in reality you are using alot more powerful amp to compete with. so heres my point if you only want to spend a certain amount of money then i say buy what you can afford but also keep in mind if you compare cheaper brands to top brands then most often a smaller name brand amp will perform better than the largest cheap brand but it always costs in price but there is a very real difference.
however that shouldnt matter if you just want more bass or more volume then you can do it with most anything out on the market and thats all that really matters is that you get enough sound quality for what you spend.
volfenhags are very affordable amps and decent made but they do use max ratings and so a good rule is any amp you can get for a bargain you should cut the wattage rating in half then divide it by the number of channels and any name brand amp (sony, rockford, orion, blaupunkt, alpine, clarion, mtx, kicker, bazooka) they are gauranteed to give you true power ratings and if you buy whatever watt amp thats really what you get and then in some cases you get more because of the under rating.
everyody can have a good or bad experience or opinion on anything thats for sale and the only thing i can say is spend what you can afford to bottom line and see what happens if it doesnt work for you then you can always upgrade to higher end stuff but even then theres always more or newer so its alot like computers it never ends.
if what you get makes you happy and does what you want then even better but as for all this bashing and bragging ive seen it many times and you can take crap and make it sound good just as easily as taking something expensive and make it sound like sh*t so whats really important is whatever you are using you do it right from the box design, installation and if you do it all right you cannot go wrong and again price.
in my business i offer volfenhag and other what i consider lower end to mid brands as well as high end stuff so everyone can have what they want which is something that sounds better than what you already have otherwise why would you need an amp, different speakers, subs etc, right??
all i can say if my name brands more expensive stuff has never let me down and ive seen my friends have bad luck with cheaper stuff but i do have one friend who has a pyramid 600x4 and a 18 inch pyle pro and hes been using it for over 14 years and hits hard and is happy so you never know.
my advice is always start small and if you dont like it then make somechanges but that way youll know what you need as a reference point such as if you are disappointed with your purchase then youll know why either you need more bass, more power, more reliability and then you can make the changes as you see fit from either larger/high power equiptment or better brands but at least you will know what you need. after all how will you know where you want to go if you dont know where you been?
i like seeing people argue about silly things on here but the truth is nobody really has the right answer except you.


kenny richards you are a total fa g!! and you have way too much time on you hands. and by the way, volfenhag sucks!

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 325
Registered: 12-2003
garbage in = garbage out.

Unregistered guest
i have a homemade subwoofer speaker i built using an old lampshade, some super glue and a couple stacked refrigerator magnets and it blows away every sub in the world.
i hooked it up in my car and it blew all the windows out as soon as the bass hit then one by one it blew the hub caps off the car and threw me out car through the windshield but it was a good thing it was already gone or i wouldnt be here today!!
merry christmas everyone!
p.s. did i mention it blew the trunk off and threw it in the air? i think its in outer space now.

New member
Username: Unimatrixone3

Post Number: 2
Registered: 12-2003
thanks jay amaro,
That was a really big help. I have all the time to spend around 1800.00 so i will look around and see what exactly i am looking for this after all is the day when all the sales are (after christmas) My MA Audio and Audiobahn equipment has never let me down so if i dont know what to get i will always go back to them i just like to expirment a little. You seem like you know a lot about what you are talking about. If you can either post or email i would be greateful on some ideas. I am looking for semi loud bass but i want it clean and tight. i have been to a lot of comps with my stuff. And alot of ppl have loud bass but not clean. If any one has ideas plz drop a line or so. I have a 96 Lincoln so i got all the room in the world. Thz again

jay amaro
Unregistered guest
hi james and thanks,
i appreciate your comment and hope you had a good christmas.
i would be more than happy to advise and help you reach your goals and also if needed i can design and or build custom enclosures for you or draw up blueprints.
i custom design enclosures using software and do not believe in trial and error designs and there is no such thing as an "off the shelf" all purpose box for any speaker. dont let anyone try and convince you that a box they have or make will work fine for any speaker because that isnt true and every box must be designed with a few important things to incorporate:
** box size for each particular brand of woofer/subwoofer based on the drivers requirements.
** box shape depending on each particular vehicle
** box type i.e. sealed, ported, bandpass etc. for the type of bass a listener wants and each box type has its advantages and also disadvantages and there is no perfect box type, each type makes a different level of bass.
and so no premade box can factor all those things in before you even buy it.
i agree with you and id say better than 80% of what i hear around town is not necessarily bad systems but very unbalanced systems with either too much bass, too much high's or both.
from what you would like to spend you have alot of choices on what to buy and can certainly do what you want.

in my opinion with a 96 lincoln i would go with an amplified 10" bazooka for your bass needs which at a later date if you upgrade and want more bass you can use the bazooka as a fill in for your mid bass levels if you wanted.
i have a calulator i use to figure how sound travels by frequency and wattage to its distance but basically smaller woofers in the 8" to 10" range will sound better in the car from where you sit and 12" and 15" sounds better to the person in the car next to you.
i use an amplified 8" bazooka at 100 watts for my mid bass (100 to 120hz) and a punch 145 bridged into 1 channel and a rockford 10" for my lower deep bass in a sealed box (40 to 80hz)
that set up allows me to adjust my bass to cover all the areas i want in my music.
the key to a clean sound is being able to adjust how things come together at your ears and you need good dash/door/rear deck speakers to provide further mid bass but more importantly plenty of mids and highs which neither need much power only bass really needs a good amount of power.
a good aftermarket head unit usually has atleast 12 watts (rms) or higher which is plenty for good speakers.
you can turn the bass level down a little on your stereo and make the speakers in your car provide all the "fill" with a little mid bass and wont need 3 amps an electronic crossover or bass blockers.
if i remember the lincoln uses 6.5 in the doors and 6x9 in the rear deck.
Infinity Reference 6953i 6x9 estimated price range 100-120
Infinity Reference 6002si 6.5 estimated price range 100-120
Bazooka RS10A-HP 10" 150 watt bazooka price range 300-400
If you cant find any good sales in town then online or should have what your looking for at decent prices and for that size orders you'll get free shipping too.
You should get what you want for about 600 to 700 and if that's not enough bass then you can easily add more bass with an amp and larger sub and a custom designed box that gives you the type of bass you want and also specifically designed for your trunk so you have trunk space as well as room for the sub and bazooka.
But you may not even need the interior speakers and then you can save even more but to get a really clean sound you also need to isolate anything that can rattle by either foaming (good stuff or any other expandable sealing foam) coating and using additional fasteners, rubber or foam to isolated anything that can touch something else and dynamat is ok but you can use a rubberized car undercoating spray in a can as well and it does the same thing.
Allin all that should give you a very clean sounding well balanced system and without a lot of equiptment you don't really need or atleast you can switch to later if you want more of everything.
If you have any questions, need any advice or would like to get a quote on a custom designed speaker enclosure in your choice of mdf, plywood, fiberglass id be more than happy to help.
Heres my email-

New member
Username: Daysof_thunder

Post Number: 1
Registered: 12-2003
Hey guys, I think we all need to calm down here a little bit. First of all there is no way that three twelves are gonna blow out a winshield or pop trunk lids open. The alma gates bronco about 5 years ago when the db drag was suddenly going throught he roof was achieving levels of 160 db and higher and I am sure its much higher now. the point is that, that bronco, while it did change to rivetede plexiglass windows, did have almost 20- 30 subs if i am not mistaken and around 20,000 watts of power and still did not do anything damaging to the vehicle. that is a fact you can see it at car audio it was also featured here. While volfenhag might be popular at a low budget arena, for what it is It is great. I have heard a system with this equipment. Be careful 1600 watts of power does not mean 1600 watts of true power. Played this game when first started in car audio. thought a 100 dollar 1000 watt amp was great until i fried it two months later. then got a rockford punch 100 and there was no comparison. The rockford blew it away. Guys just be careful. I leave you with this ? Would you rather pay three hundred for a sub or buy three 100 dollar subs in lees than a year same as amps. Think about this and hey save up for what you want. I think I started back in pretty good. while this system is not what I had before, It is certainly better than most!!

New member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 358
Registered: 12-2003
Volfenhag may sound nice to you, but regardless of how it sounds, just like sony anything in car audio, and bazooka's amplifiers, they are very poorly made and have lousy reliability.
If you want equipment that'll last you for years, buy decent gear to begin with.
Forget this "buy cheap at first" nonsense. All you're doing is wasting money on garbage that you'll have to replace sooner than planned when it fails, and upon failing probably destroys other stuff that may not be so lousy.

If you can't afford what you really want, than wait a little bit, save the money, then buy it. Don't let your money burn a hole in your pocket, causing you to run out and buy $25 subwoofers hoping to build a quality system.

RF used to underrate their products, as did Orion, and PPI who, ten+ years ago, were the best names in the business. RF isn't what they used to be.
Put their amplifiers on a scope now, and you'll see that their power ratings are pretty accurate. Less than 10% variance from stated specs. They just don't have the "balls" that they used to.

Yes companies underrate products for competition. Orion's HCCA line was a perfect example, sine IASCA used to rate classes by power @ 4 Ohms, and the Orions were half-Ohm stable, and one of the first to be truly high-current amps. The competition circuit rules have changed quite a bit since then however.
JL still underrates their products quite a bit though. Look at the 500/1. I put one on a scope and it was putting out 670wRMS.

As for budgets though, you can build a good, reliable system with quality components for around $600-800. That doesn't mean you have to use poorle made products to do it. Don't go into car audio and expect to build some big loud system and do it for $300. This isn't a cheap hobby and people need to understand that. If you want good, you pay for good. That's true with anything in life, and trying to cheat by using crappy hardware will only screw you in the end.

When Jay said start small, I'm sure he meant to start with smaller, simple changes and upgrades, and go step by step. Don't misinterpret that to mean start out with crappy, cheap hardware and plan on upgrading later. That never works out well for people who try that approach. :-)

I've gotten picky over the eyars I guess. When I did this for a living, the cheapest things we sold were JVC and Coustic, and at that time it was Coustic's PowerLogic line, which was pretty solid stuff, and still is to this day for the price.
Never, did I or would I sell something on the level of legacy, boss, rockwood, pyramid, and so forth. I stand behind everything I sell or install and always have. I couldn't look a customer in teh face and hold up my head as a professional if I had to tell them the reason their amplifier failed and fried both of their subs wasn't because they went home and turned the gains all teh way up, but because I sold them cheap crap that fell apart once they tried to turn it up.
I have my pride to account for. heh

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