well been havin trouble with cops lately for my system and speedin n what not whats a good radar detector for not that much money?????????????????????????????????????
I've been thru three different radar detectors. all they do is make me frusterated. Like when i see a cop and it doesnt do anything. Everyone that i bought i returned it a few days later, dissapointed.
there useless imo. damn near every cop uses laser, and by the time the detector goes off, if the cop lasered your car, it's to late. best thing to do is slow down.
they're more effective than people give them credit for. a lot depends on where you live. i live in a small town that has lots of near by highways. the cops there don't have all the new technology, and my detector has saved me more times than i can imagine.
now somewhere where cops have bigger budgets and more technology you might have problems.
They're legal in all commercial vechiles in all states and I think DC. Not legal for most/all truck drivers, etc. I believe. But this isn't Canada so it's legal in any commercial vechile lol. There was an argument on this before and I looked it up online and in my Cobra manual. Yea Cobra's not that great, but I got one of there mid-higher units for $15
they're not legal in IL, but the cops never say anything.
The only time i've ever gotten pulled over with mine the cop was just like "aren't those supposed to stop this from happening" and then laughed at me.. and only gave me a warning
I have a Escort 8500 x50. I have picked up cops over 3/4 of a mile away on straight aways with cars in between. i pick up cops around corners too. If there radar isn't on the detector wont go off. If you are gunna get a rador detector save up and get the:
Bel rx65 Escort 8500 x50 Valentine One
the valentine is the best you can get but i think the 8500 is more then enough i have it and love it. the rx65 and the 8500 x50 are about the same. i got mine on ebay for 220 shipped
plus i like to speed...alot. this has saved me numerous times highly reccomended
o and btw escort has a 9500i. dont get i. its basicly the 8500 x50 with gps. its a huge waste of money. the idea behind it is sometimes you get false warnings from buildings etc so you mark the spots then this detector knows not to go off but if theres a cop in that same spot you blocked it wont go off. So if your gunna go with escort get the 8500 x50 not the 9500i
o and btw escort has a 9500i. dont get i. its "basicly the 8500 x50 with gps. its a huge waste of money. the idea behind it is sometimes you get false warnings from buildings etc so you mark the spots then this detector knows not to go off but if theres a cop in that same spot you blocked it wont go off. So if your gunna go with escort get the 8500 x50 not the 9500i"
personally, i think the idea is ingenius, theres nothin worse than flying down a road and passin a cvs or a walgreens and gettin' a false alarm.
i have an older model BEL sti (it was like the top of the line 4 years ago) that came with my car and it's saved me very often. I know where most speed traps are, but it really has yet to fail me unless i'm being an idiot.
like i got pulled over doin 65 in a 45 or somethin and the cop didnt even care that i had the detector and just gave me a slap on the wrists and a written warning 00o0o0
i think the "idea" of the 9500i is good but i dont think the technology is there yet. ive read reviews where peopel said when they blocked the false signal is there was a cop there it wouldnt go off.
me personaly i couldnt pay almost double the price for the 9500i over the 8500 x50
"o and btw escort has a 9500i. dont get i. its "basicly the 8500 x50 with gps. its a huge waste of money. the idea behind it is sometimes you get false warnings from buildings etc so you mark the spots then this detector knows not to go off but if theres a cop in that same spot you blocked it wont go off. So if your gunna go with escort get the 8500 x50 not the 9500i"
I think the idea is more to mark speed traps and speed cameras. Even if I could I'd never mark a false alarm spot. Chances are you go by that spot enough to know you don't need to slow down if the alaram goes off and you're in a big hurry. Those models are good enough that there won't be many false alarms, at least relative to any other fuzz buster.
as ct stated, the cops in mid sized to large cities use lasers now... They will be worthless in a few years but I look at it as, spend 200-250 bucks and get out of one $300 ticket, it paid for itself and a tank or 2 of gas. haha
...or if you choose to, keep an eye on the road ahead of you and behind you.. watch for cops that could be coming onto the hwy
only speed in areas you know well.. cops like to pick the same spot to sit at normally
radar detectors don't do much pending on which type of radar gun.. in most cases it won't give you enough time to slow down enough not to get a ticket.. but possibly enough to drop your speed so it would not make for an expensive ticket
yea, espeically on the freeway, you can cruise...just watch for brake lights.. it's almost instinct for most people to brake when they see a cop even though it's too late anyways but if you just watch for brake lights there's almost no reason someone would brake on the freeway except for a cop or slowed traffic (which you'd wanna slow down for anyways i guess)
and yeam cops on the freeway around here in speedtraps use lasers, but on the roads they use radar