I currently have a set of CDT CL-62's in my 2001 Xcab Silverado...I'm getting some custom fabrication work done and want to upgrade...I really like the sound of the CDT's but this set lacks midbass (Dream Theater can sound better I'm sure of it). Even though I like the CDT's I've heard good things about these others and am not locked into CDT.
So, I've narrowed it down to these 3 sets (I think) and would like a little input from people here who have heard some of these (I can get them all within about $50 of ecah other, so price between these 3 isn't important...but overall price is).
The HDs are a great sounding set, I run them and would take them over the other two you listed.
You said you're getting custom work done........ does that include real enclosures (MDF, or reinfoced fiberglass) for the mids? It should...... midbass response depends more on the installation than the speaker.
If you're looking for midbass, you might want to have a look at the M6 driver in place of the HD-6...not that the HD-6 lacks it, but simply because the M6 is BUILT for it. feel free to shoot any CDT questions my way if you need help.
I was thinking of just replacing the driver I have now with the M6 but my son want the CL-62's if I don't...so I want to go the route of a new set.
Does the M6 come in a set with the 5?? xover and the 25? tweeter (that's what I have with my CL62...upgraded those when I bought them...and like them pretty much...except the xover not having all the connections on one side is annoying).
I PM'd Alteraudio...I know you guys are both dealers and I don't know how you work with each other but I don't want to pit you against one another...if you know what I mean.