Just wondering if you could give me detailed directions on how to wire and charge a capacitor. I have a Kicker 750 watt amp running one 12 inch L5 and I have a 1999 honda accord. I would like to hook up either a 2 or 5 fared cap. I have been looking around on the net on how to hook it up and can not figure it out. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Why do you need a 5 farad capicator for a 750 watt amp? Don't het me wrong, its your car, you do what you want, but i would use one in the event of running 2 or more amps. IMO
so you dont think i even need a cap? the headlights only dim when its up almost full volume. I just wanted to prevent damage to the alternator further down the road... it is my first system and i was told by a few people that it might be a good idea.
" i would use one in the event of running 2 or more amps. "
A capacitor is not going to help with dimming lights or anything else, no matter have many amps you have. If your voltage is dropping below 12 volts, you need an HO alternator. If it doesn't your fine.
Dan, M.S is right, a cap won't help with dimming lights. "If your voltage is dropping below 12 volts, you need an HO alternator. If it doesn't your fine." This is true. A 750 Watt amp shouldn't make the lights dim. I have a nephue that has a 1200 Watt compatition amp and his lights dim a little. No cap. if the lights dim noticeably, get a ho alt like M.S was saying
use a voltmeter on the batt. pos from meter to pos on batt, neg on meter to neg on bat. set the meter to 12V abd run the car and the system. the reading on the meter will tell you your voltage. when you do thia, everything thats on when the lights dim should be on during this test. IMO
If 13.x volts is the lowest drop you get, your electrical system is probably fine. There will always be some amount of voltage drop you can't eliminate, it happens b/c the voltage regulator doesn't respond to sudden current draw by the amp quickly enough. That's not an electrical problem, just the way it is sometimes.
so overall... i dont even need a cap? because it would save me a couple hundred dollars... and even if in three years i need to replace the alternator isnt that only about 200 to replace?
the HO alt is way more expensive than a cap from what I've seen.
"There will always be some amount of voltage drop you can't eliminate, it happens b/c the voltage regulator doesn't respond to sudden current draw by the amp quickly enough. "
Would a cap not respond fast enough ? just wondering
If that cap is storing enough power it MIGHT supply the current fast enough. Ask Polo about this, he gets no voltage drop at all. He is running a 16volt system though.