I am wanting to upgrade my 6x9s in the rear and get 2 10inch subs.
The 6x9s are 100w RMS each and the subs are 300w RMS each.
What channel config and wattage should I get in an amp to power these. My newbie brain is saying get a 2 channel. One channel going to the 6x9s and one going to the subs. But if I get an amp powerful enough for the subs, won't it blow the 6x9s?
Well, I think you'll never connect the rear's in the same channel of the sub, so a 1000W would do, power wise. Now, the amount of quality you want is up to you. I would get a high quality amp for the rears and a class D amp for the sub
Yes two different, one 2 channel that's 100W RMS x2 for 6x9, a Mono subwoofer amp that puts out 600W at 2 ohms (that's a Class D, it's just a mono subwoofer amp) , a JBL 600.1 would be nice for subs. Really, I'd save the 6x9's and spend money for an amp on front speakers more so than rears. It'll sound better.