What to use for a Brace?


Bronze Member
Username: Rellikfl

New Port Richey, FL USA

Post Number: 80
Registered: Dec-07
Im looking to build a box for 2 12"s

Are there sub box braces out there made for boxes? or what should I use?

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 5011
Registered: Jul-06
Pieces are wood, or metal rods are what most people use

Silver Member
Username: Jnoel

AIM= j69noel, KY

Post Number: 780
Registered: May-07
i prefer 2x4's or i will use other scrap wood that's lying around

Gold Member
Username: Mgbcs

Lincoln, Nebraska

Post Number: 1901
Registered: Dec-06
The only thing with 2x4s is that you're taking up a decent amount of air space. Not a ton by any means, but probably more than necessary. Chris, I would suggest you use one of the options M.S. suggested.

Gold Member
Username: Basssquared


Post Number: 1777
Registered: Nov-06
"Pieces are wood" very articulate M.S lol

Silver Member
Username: Phil_salisbury

Post Number: 477
Registered: Sep-06
Just use whatever leftover material ya have lyin around from the build and work with that for bracing.

Gold Member
Username: Hdubb

Team Revolution

Post Number: 3262
Registered: Nov-04
allhread or wooden dowels work well. and if you use say scraps of mdf just rounds the corners. less box noise.

Silver Member
Username: Phil_salisbury

Post Number: 478
Registered: Sep-06
I'm confused, how does rounding over the corners of bracing or for that matter not rounding over bracing effect the overall resonance properties of an enclosure??

I could see if the bracing was directly impacting the port area portion of the enclosure ( which would be totally stupid ) to have bracing in such areas.

However, if there is verifiable proof ( I'm talking actual proof, not someone's statements ) that given a manner in which bracing as to types used as to where applied/attached within the confines of the enclosure's interior creates noise resonance issue's.

And Yes, I have heard all the debates, arguments and such discussion on the issue of bracing and for the most part while different types of bracing ( threaded rod being one ) does impart advantages over over types of bracing, that only really applies to the design of the enclosure for the intended purpose trying to be achieved ( SPL Comp Type Enclosures ).

For everyday listening and head bangin enclosure's, one type of bracing over another is of or has little effect, let alone be able to tell/hear the difference's.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 5031
Registered: Jul-06
"Pieces are wood" very articulate M.S lol


Now how did I not catch that, haha I always proofread my posts
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