Box and Amp For My Studio


Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 7756
Registered: Jul-06
First thing. Amp that does 300-400rms @ 2 ohms.
Im thinking Kicker zx400.1, JBL GTO301.1, and the RF P325.1.
Obviously, I'm not looking for anything fancy. Budget would be right around $150-$175 shipped.
Anyone have any recommendations?

Second thing. Boxes.
I want to make a sealed box and a ported box for it just for kicks.
Im thinking of making a sealed box about .8 cuft after driver displacement. I can make this for myself, just simple dimensions.
As for the ported box, I'm thinking of making a box about 1.5 cuft tuned to like 30hz. Anyone wanna do a quick sketch up for me? :-)
Dimensions are something like 30wide, 15high, 15deep....not positive on those though....the Height and Depth change as you move every inch since its a coupe....

Thanks fellas.

Gold Member
Username: Loudon

Post Number: 2140
Registered: Jun-04
Zx400 good amplifier

will do close to 550 on a decent electrical ...

Silver Member
Username: Boomtank

Rochester, NY USA

Post Number: 453
Registered: Oct-06
get the zx 300.1 it will do around 380wrms@2ohms

and its only like 140 shipped at ost online stores new.

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 7757
Registered: Jul-06
Didn't even realize they made a zx300.1....thanks Eddy. Found it on Ebay for $90 shipped :-)

Gold Member
Username: Loudon

Post Number: 2143
Registered: Jun-04
yea that works too

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 5017
Registered: Jul-06
Kicker or the JBL

Gold Member
Username: Mgbcs

Lincoln, Nebraska

Post Number: 1900
Registered: Dec-06
Is this for sh*ts and giggles, or a new setup?

For $90, I would go with the kicker.
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