I'm on my 2nd sound system now. i was running 2 JBL 12's (600RMS togther) with a sony amp (1000 watts 330 RMS at 4 Ohms)
My new system is going to be 2 12 inch Kicker compVR's (800RMS 1600 watts for both together) Running off a 1,600 watt (900RMS) sony amp at 2 Ohms in a 1.25 or 1.3 cubic foot box.
I was just wondering how much more boom am i going to get? I know sony isnt the best in the world but this amp is good imo. "sonys best"
All this stuff is on the way. I got my amp now but im still waiting for the subs and the box for sounddomain.
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It isn't going to boom. maybe a little bass but not that much you should not have put that crap sony on Kickers you should have got a JBL600.1. and sony does not have a best all their car audio is crap.
It WILL hit harder. Can't really say how much. Seriously, Sony amps don't put out as much as higher end amps, but more power always adds bump as long as the subs are just as good (which they are). JBL amps are prob. the best performance per dollar of most I've seen.