Gold Member Username: Livin_loudDo Work Fi Audio Post Number: 2101 Registered: Jan-06 | so i've been a thinkin', and stumbled upon a question. with all of these hybrid cars and whatnot coming out, would the electric powered ones fulfill our future power needs? because no extra batts or huge alternators would be wonderful ![]() |
Gold Member Username: JtownTeam Revolution, Texas Post Number: 1352 Registered: Mar-07 | not that it's relevant, but someone posted a vid of a guy that invented an H2O engine or H2O/gasoline engine, Honda is coming out with such a vehicle I believe, the slogan is something like "100% vapor emissions" |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Northwest PA Post Number: 4735 Registered: Jul-06 | Car audio in those vehicles is a disaster.......... I refuse to touch one. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6869 Registered: Nov-04 | Good thing you didn't type OT in your subject line, or Zac would've been all over your azz. |
Silver Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 951 Registered: Sep-07 | hahahaa^^ thats the truth |
Gold Member Username: Livin_loudDo Work Fi Audio Post Number: 2102 Registered: Jan-06 | i just thought that this has much more relevance than many of the other "ot" threads posted, and is an interesting concept. but if this does indeed piss you off Zac, i'm sorry haha |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 11891 Registered: Jun-06 | The future of power will be the source. The sun. Period. It's what gives the planet life, as well us all. You can tap into your planet's fossil fuels until they run out. Then what? Start now. Think ahead. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6876 Registered: Nov-04 | Well you won't have to wait too long. According to most scientists, we will run out of oil by 2019 and will have no choice. Don't worry about Zac, he doesn't even come here that often. |
Gold Member Username: Livin_loudDo Work Fi Audio Post Number: 2106 Registered: Jan-06 | ^well thats if the world doesn't end in 2012 :P |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana 2 DD3515s, 2... Post Number: 5717 Registered: Mar-04 | Used cooking oil ![]() |
Silver Member Username: MarcoooPost Number: 137 Registered: Mar-07 | ^Sir Isaac Newton predicted the world would come to an end in 2060 Newton>Mayans |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6881 Registered: Nov-04 | Mark, if we run out of gas by 2019, then it'll be like as if the world ended. Just imagine, having to walk or ride a horse to get to places. No gas heaters, no gas fire places. That in turn would spike demand on electricity and force it to sky rocket in prices. What would farmers do without gas/oil? None of their farm equipment would work, so no food for people etc. A major problem indeed. |
Silver Member Username: MarcoooPost Number: 139 Registered: Mar-07 | Just saying that Newton predicted the world to end in 2060 because Eric said 2012... Never said not having gas wouldn't be a problem. And I'm not worried. You know there's gonna be/ already is a lot of people working on the solution to no more oil. The car industry makes too good of money not to come up with new ideas. Just look at all the Hybrids and how far they've come and we still got 12 years to go. IMO I think vegetable oil and cars like the one Thieves mentioned are the future. I saw a video on Honda's new car and it actually dripped WATER from the exhaust... and that's it nothing else came out of it. And unless we make big improvements Paul, which I'm sure we will, we'll be driving 30 MPH for a few hours a day with solar panel cars and that's IF it's sunny out lol |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6886 Registered: Nov-04 | Mark, the only problem are the greedy oil companies, governments (taxes), and car manufacturers. Before the gas runs out,they will milk as much profit as possible from everyone. Think about it, if you made $200 - $300 mil in profits a day, why would you stop? The closer it gets to the end of gas shortage, they'll jack it up even more. So instead of $300 mil a day, they might get $1 bil a day for whatever days. It's all about greed. The same thing applies to car manufacturers. Why would they bring out something that won't use gas before all their old ones are sold? If not, no one will buy it. The government can't make money off of water. So the higher the gas prices go, the more they collect. When was the last time anyone has seen a greedy industry do something that was good for the country/it's people? |
Silver Member Username: KravenbloodOhio Hmmm Post Number: 358 Registered: Aug-05 | we can go without gasoline right this second we have the technology.. like Isaac said its all about greed.. and if they use the one that seperates the hydragen from the water you arent going to be able to put water in your car. more then liekly there going to do what they are doing in europe the stations seperates the hydrogen from the water and you put the hydrogen in your car so technically they can tax you on the water used.. |
Silver Member Username: MmaudioconceptsMurray, KY Post Number: 322 Registered: Jan-07 | if there ever comes a time when we use water to power cars, all of the suppliers will be bought out by oil companies and the price of water in the home will just go up to (gas prices) |
Gold Member Username: J_baby15Murray, Kentucky Post Number: 2111 Registered: Feb-06 | ^thats fuckd up. That'd make it like $3 everytime I flushed a sh1t. |
Gold Member Username: BasssquaredKansas Post Number: 1714 Registered: Nov-06 | ^ LOL Jordan |
Silver Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 952 Registered: Sep-07 | i heard about the vegetable boss said guy he knows goes around to restaurants,and gets there old grease and recycles it into a fuel that will run in diesel motors |
Gold Member Username: JtownTeam Revolution, Texas Post Number: 1372 Registered: Mar-07 | you want used oil? go find a dairy queen, they have like a hole dumpster full behind the restaurant full of that stanky sh!t |
Gold Member Username: camBC Canada Post Number: 1337 Registered: Nov-06 | "we can go without gasoline right this second we have the technology.. " No way. We have nothing that would have an EROEI ratio even close to that of fossil fuels (EROEI for fossil fuels = 30:1). Unfortunately, to integrate these alternative energy technologies, we need a load of oil. Oil that we won't have by the time we get integrating and converting. We're f.cked, basically. Read this before making uninformed responses to my statement: Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash |
Gold Member Username: Livin_loudDo Work Fi Audio Post Number: 2110 Registered: Jan-06 | |
Silver Member Username: Bnd_rulezPhoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 922 Registered: Mar-05 | Bio-diesel is a good alternative. Easy to make, renewable source and it you can run a diesel on it without and real mods. Or you go straight vegetable oil system. That requires more mods though. |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 437 Registered: Feb-07 | i know this sounds stupid. but ive been reading up alot on antimatter too and idk if alot of ppl know this but we have created it and are beginning to use it for power. its 100% efficiency and 100% clean. they do it by reversing the polarity of the nucleus(or sometihng like that) and it creates nearly perfect energy. i still have alot more to read about it but thats what ive started learning correct anything that i said that was wrong |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6891 Registered: Nov-04 | Doesn't it suck to know that our future is held hostage by the greedy oil b turds and governments? I have no idea what they're piling up money after money for? If the world ends, where are they going to spend all that?? Just amazes me how blind people can be cause of pure greed. This thread belongs in the sub section so everyone can read it. This OT is as dead as a ghost town thanks to "never here" Zac. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6892 Registered: Nov-04 | Opps, I meant threads like this shouldn't be in the OT section cause most people don't go there. |
Silver Member Username: Kpa2727Post Number: 804 Registered: May-07 | you wanna see some awsome stuff watch future car on science or discovery channel. also watch invention nation. the amount of answers are endless u wanna here some crazy stuff somewhere in cali i think, a factory owner figured how to turn car parts into oil meaning even if we run out if we recycle cars we could prob live another some odd years. plus theres already a car that runs on air. it's a compression car it has 2 cylinders in it as tanks and a air compressor type of motor that it puts along on. |
Gold Member Username: camBC Canada Post Number: 1364 Registered: Nov-06 | I'd be interested to read more about that. Got a link, M0nkeyman? |
Bronze Member Username: 1963_cadetAtictic, South afria South afria Post Number: 19 Registered: Dec-07 | all the new fuel tech. is going to be nessasary in the coming years, but don't get to caught up in any certain date for the world oil supply to run out. they are still finding new oil fields all the time, so we don't know how much their is left.brazil found a field recently that is estimated to be near the size of the 1 in the middle east. I'm not saying don't worry about it, just don't get hung up on any 1 date. |
Gold Member Username: camBC Canada Post Number: 1366 Registered: Nov-06 | Very true, however, we are using more and more all the time. I agree, the date isn't exact. I take comfort in the fact that we have 10 acres on Mayne Island, a huge diesel generator out of a light house that could be used if needed, plenty of game, guns, shells, a crossbow, a few long bows, a compound bow, there's a few farms. It would be interesting. I might have to take a bike and hook up an alternator with some crazy gearing to charge my iPod lol. |
Silver Member Username: MateoPost Number: 193 Registered: Oct-05 | in my family, i drive a dodge 2500, my mom drives an 06' 3500 and my dad an 07' 3500. we are about to get a bio diesel still to make our own fuel. i heard...depending on many different costs about $.40 a gallon ![]() |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 440 Registered: Feb-07 | here you go cam i just searched google for antimatter one day when i was interested and all this came up. there are plenty more links on google if your interested |
Silver Member Username: MarcoooPost Number: 141 Registered: Mar-07 | Monkeyman I wouldn't count on antimatter to fuel anything in our lifetime. And once they do use it to fuel stuff it will be for spaceships and eventually starships, before anything else, when we have that technology. Fermilab down near Chicago has the largest amount of antimatter on Earth and they have like a gram or less I think. But who knows, when the large hadron collider goes online at CERN next spring they may finally find the Higgs-Boson, a boson that basically holds everything together (quarks, bosons, etc...), and be able to complete the standard model, which puts the four forces of nature into a single equation. This is something that haunted Einstein all his life because he never could find it, so I think it goes without saying that this discovery would open up a lot of doors. I wouldn't worry though. No one thought the atom bomb was possible expect a few scientists and during a time of urgency, war, they came up with an answer lol |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 445 Registered: Feb-07 | very good points. still a thing to think about though. i think were alot smarter than we give ourselves(humans in general) credit for. it just takes extreme situations to us to actually use our brains. think about how many things were invented during the first and second world war. and even this war with iraq for that matter. its just going to take something to push us to do something but it will happen. but imo sometime in the somewhat distant future i think antimatter might be our main source of power... at least for cities and spaceships |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 448 Registered: Feb-07 | if any of you are interested in the whole antimatter idea, i strongly recommend you to read the book angels and demons. its a very well written page turning book about antimatter being used as a weapon in rome. its a completely factual book but the story is fictional. it taught me many things and made me decide to read other books by dan brown. check it out if your interested |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 11897 Registered: Jun-06 | It took millions of years for our planet to evolve into the life sustaining entity it is. It took billions more for our planet to see humans. In the last 200 years we have seen so much growth and advancement in our species it's mind boggling. Just only 20 years ago cell phones were a fantasy and now today we talk about antimatter and the "next" level of space travel. We are developing much much much faster than we did only a few years ago. I used to wonder where we'd be 100 years from now. Today I think about the next 5 years. It's moving THAT fast. |
Silver Member Username: TornPost Number: 414 Registered: Jan-07 | I lost interest in this in the middle, come into my interesting home atm. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6896 Registered: Nov-04 | Paul, you're forgetting how greedy people have gotten over the years. Next 5 years will be interesting indeed. With all the predictions and global warming, we'll either be going downhill or downhill. I didn't mistype. If you do some research, almost everything's all winding down, oil supply, global warming, climate change etc. I'm a bit disappointed that not enough people care about what's happening in the world. Greedy oil companies are a real problem. They say they only make pennies in profit, and yet if you look at the daily totals, it adds up to $300+ millions in profit. Bunch of leeches. |
Silver Member Username: MarcoooPost Number: 142 Registered: Mar-07 | In 11 years we can do just about anything. Enough said. Yea it's a problem, but the government and corporations alike are smart as they are greedy. By the time oil becomes a real issue for the public to start worrying about, like say 2018 lol, the people who get no recognition, scientists, will have figured it out 5+ years ago and just be putting the finishing touches on it. Worst possible scenario imo is an alternative to oil that will only continue to be affective for 10 or so years. I can see why you'd be worried, much better than the people who don't even think about important issues like this, but as far as I'm concerned we'll be fine. Not that I don't care because I really do, but I don't see how we won't have an answer by then with all the brilliant scientists we have doing what they do and getting paid what they get paid lol |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6900 Registered: Nov-04 | We can only wish. I'll give an example. See the global warming? Ice caps are melting 6x faster than predicted by the same scientists. The greedy oil companies don't give a flying puck. All they want to do is make trillions of dollars in profit as quickly as possible. Governments aren't doing a thing cause they get to collect taxes. Who gets screwed? The normal average joes. Mark, pretend you're one of the "oil" executives. If you were asked to make as much money as possible, what would you do? Would you care about the environment/climate change/global warming or would you deny everything and say everything's fine? Even if you knew in 10 years you'd run out of oil, would you do anything about it? If by 10 years, you could make 100000 trillion dollars, what does it matter if oil runs out? You've made enough money to last 10000 years. You see, that's the problem. They control too many things, including politics. Look at what George Bush used to do (helped rich oil companies). I'm not trying to be Mr negative, just want people to see the truth. We can screwed in Canada so often, it's not even funny. How can a country that produce 80% - 90% of the oil it uses charge more than you guys that import most from middle East? Does it make any sense? And yet, no one complains cause everyone's making huge profits. |
Gold Member Username: Andrew571Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 1341 Registered: Oct-05 | Global Warming is the greatest scam in political and economical history. The sad part is, uneducated people buy into it because they listen to the news/ AL GORE. lol @ people that believe global warming. idiots. |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 11907 Registered: Jun-06 | Aww crap. Paul needs another beer.![]() |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 7710 Registered: Jul-06 | Everything I am about to post is going by what I skimmed over the last 4 posts. I read somewhere about losing all of our natural resources. Well, this couldn't be further from the truth. We will never run out of any resource which is privately owned. Never. Why you ask? Because when we are running out we as humans will develop something that makes that resource useless for us. We will find a substitute which completely takes the place for that. Easy example is gas/oil. We are in stages of finding new stuff to replace that. If I recall correctly, we have about 65 years left of oil with our current supply. We know of oil in so many more places and haven't even begun to dig into them and use them. There is an oil field we found in Canada that has more oil in it than what the entire Middle East has ever had. We have not even dug into it. Back in the '80s, MIT students did a project looking into our natural resources and when we will run out of them. If their essay was correct, then we right now, would not have any iron, aluminum, oil, or any big resource. They forgot to look at the economics. The price of the resource was irrelevant to them which should have been one of the most important things for them to look at. So to sum it up, we will never ever run out of a resource which is privately owned. Also, like my buddy Andrizzle said, I also do not believe in Global Warming. Do I think the Earth is changing? Sure, but just in a natural cycle. Do I think the world is going to end due to "Global Warming"? No. |
Gold Member Username: Livin_loudDo Work Fi Audio Post Number: 2111 Registered: Jan-06 | this thread went nowhere in the direction i wanted it to lol o well... |
Silver Member Username: MarcoooPost Number: 146 Registered: Mar-07 | Tired so I'm not gonna say anything besides that I never believed in global warming either. And that "The Day After Tomorrow" was one of the worst movies I have ever seen lol. |
Silver Member Username: TornPost Number: 417 Registered: Jan-07 | EnD... |
Silver Member Username: KravenbloodOhio Hmmm Post Number: 359 Registered: Aug-05 | "we can go without gasoline right this second we have the technology.. " No way. We have nothing that would have an EROEI ratio even close to that of fossil fuels (EROEI for fossil fuels = 30:1). Unfortunately, to integrate these alternative energy technologies, we need a load of oil. Oil that we won't have by the time we get integrating and converting. We're f.cked, basically. ....I was Talking about powering cars as the fuel source not Gas maybe you should of read the whole paragraph |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6907 Registered: Nov-04 | For those that say global warming is a sham and it doesn't exist, then maybe you guys might want to watch some news, that's right news, not some fantasy magazines. It doesn't matter who you believe, as long as you can see what's happening around the world. Yanks, where do you get the number 65? Currently, most scientists are saying 40 or less. Perhaps you have a crystal ball somewhere? Also, can you tell me further about discovering oil in Canada that's bigger than "entire middle east". If that were the case, we would've been all celebrating here. Well I hate to burst your bubble, but the gas costs over $4/gal. Did you know the same scientists that didn't believe in global warming/climate change before, have now switched sides? Maybe you didn't get their memo? You seem to have lot of faith in these greedy people, so tell me what we were using before the discovery of oil? What do you think we'll be using after the oil crunch? If you really wanted to know what's happening, just google any topic, and you will find some detailed info, with facts, not some opinions from a crystal ball. I'll give you guts for making bold statement. I would never do that. |
Gold Member Username: Andrew571Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 1343 Registered: Oct-05 | You believe in global warming Isaac because you are uneducated on weather. I am studying to be a meteorologist and have been interested in weather my entire life. I know my stuff when it comes to weather. I am not saying this makes my opinion greater, just... well yes it does. Isaac pull your head out bro, the media plays right into the political aspect of the scam known as 'Global Warming'. Global warming has become a giant economical ploy that will play into what you obviously believe the government is doing... greed. Politicians are all jumping into the "GLOBAL WARMING HAS TO BE STOPPED" bandwagon.....Why? you ask. Because its simple to trick uneducated citizens on weather and convince them that "storms are becoming stronger each year cuz of global warming"... Katrina for example... The Kansas F5 Tornado in the spring of 07... Major ice storms now plaguing areas that people have not seen them before. On top of that, the media plays right into this with their little stories and specials. Those NBC tonight thingy and whatnot are all part of the stupid marketing scam. People are buying it obviously - including yourself. You act like you don't buy into the media stuff with the whole War/Oil thing - I find it very hypocritical of you to say the same *NEWS* is what you watch to gain all of your information. Read a book about climatology and then your opinion on why the world is a WHOPPING +1 degrees Farenheit might actually matter. You're right... the Earth IS changing. It's called a cycle. Fact: there is not giant hole over the atlantic that people thing is from us eroding away @ the ozone... That is stupid as fu-ck. If there would be a giant hole in the ozone it would be directly over Tokyo or something. Not some random as-s Booey Marker in the atlantic. And for the people that think storms are becoming worse these days... Wrong. - Have you read your history on past storms? Didn't think so. Technology in predicting and forecasting and CATEGORIZING storms has changed so much over the last even 50 years... That you can't hardly compare the eras together. The Fujita scale for measuring tornados is based on damage. There is a new system for it that was used this year that accounts windspeed into that as well. So... take this for example - A giant tornado strongest the planet has ever seen roars through the Plains states and is an epic tornado. BUT the year is 1900. Thats right - not much of the plains has been settled yet and we can all agree that there has been hardly any growth as there is today. THEREFORE - there is nothing for that tornado to damage! How can you measure a tornado based on damage whenit doesnt encounter structures... Plus... who the hell cares uif a tornado plows through a wheat field. it won't make the news - theone that plows through your local walmart @ 3a.m. will. Marketing. Thats what it is. Don't get me staretd on Katrina - Katrina was not that strong of a storm at all. The reason peope think it was and is such a big deal is because it happened to landfall on a city that is fu-cking below sea level! Why the fu-ck would you build a sh!tty place like New Orleans in the first place - especially KNOWING its below sea level. They had levees and everything to protect them - thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. If you were actually smart you would leave new orleans as the swampland it should be and live somewhere else. However, I am betting you the IQ of New Orleans' is not that high compared to some of the rest of the country.. lol but thats another point. The reason you heard so much about it because it made landfall in a city below sea level. No it was not an epic storm based on Climatology - Just based on the stupidity of American citizens buying into the Market Ploy known as Global Warming. THE FU-CKING END |
Silver Member Username: Bnd_rulezPhoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 925 Registered: Mar-05 | You are referring to the news as a credible source? They are owned by the same greedy people. Global Warming.. Let's get Leo and Al on the case, turn it into something Hollywood. Glamorize it so it gets more attention. It's bogus. I'm more worried about the NAU, then global warming. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6910 Registered: Nov-04 | Unlike the news down there, we don't have Al Gore in Canada. Man some of you guys are ad delusional as George Bush. Since you guys can't seem to see straight, we'll just wait and see what'll happen in the future. Do me one favour, when you see global warming/climate change happening, remember, it doesn't exist! The record heat wave in europe did not happen, and the ice caps melting 4x faster, also isn't happening, we will never run out of oil, and earth is flat. Andrizzle, you assume everyone's uneducated cause they care about what's happening around the world. Well, if you're that sure about what you believe in, then school me on it. Show me with facts, not opinions. If you're going to make predictions, then back it up with proof, not "I am studying to be a meteorologist and have been interested in weather my entire life. I know my stuff when it comes to weather." Since you practically called me an uneducated idiot, I'll be waiting for your detailed post. I want to be as smart as you, so no bs, no insults, just show me the facts. If you can't put it in your own words, then post links, I can read! Yes I know that's a miracle. FYI, I not only watch the news, I also read articles, research papers etc. So just cause I said the word "news", you assumed that's all I did. It's amazing to see how many people turn a blind eye to everything and hope that, as long as they don't see and believe it, it isn't and won't be happening. Andrizzle, I'm calling you out since you're training to be a meteorologist and is an expert on weather. I doubt how you'll discredit scientists that have been studying for decades. So surprise me. |
Gold Member Username: JtownTeam Revolution, Texas Post Number: 1404 Registered: Mar-07 | yeah, every news is biased, no matter where it comes from../ |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6912 Registered: Nov-04 | Yeah, but like everything else in life, there's always some grain of truth. Where there's smoke, there's fire. All I'm asking from Andrizzle is, to show me proof/facts. Share some of this "expert" knowledge on this subject matter, so we can all see laugh at the scientist's faces. |
Gold Member Username: JtownTeam Revolution, Texas Post Number: 1410 Registered: Mar-07 | ^agreed![]() |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 11919 Registered: Jun-06 | I remember reading that there really are untapped oil wells across the country. They're untapped because the federal government regulates the oil we supply for ourselves. We are under contract to purchase the black gold from the middle east. That's control right there. Look at all the fuss Chavez is stirring up in Venezuela. He hates our country and Bush with a passion and vows doom and gloom upon us. So why do we continue to buy 1/3 of our oil from him? I stopped fueling at all Citgo stations and would like to stop and spit every time I pass one. The public in general is a group of drones, easily brainwashed. When gas was $1.50/gal and it spiked waaay up to $3 everyone was in a panic. WHAT ARE WE TO DO???!!!! After a calculated amount of time the price eased back into the mid 2's. Ppl were relieved and happy. THAT'S brainwashing. The oil companies just increased thier profit margain by 66% and did it leaving the public "happy"????? The real doom and gloom comes from economics. Any advancement we make in an alternative fuel source will certainly be sand bagged by the oil companies, or the patent rights bought up and buried. I have a small hobby in solar power. I love the concept of photovoltaics. The biggest free source of power there is. Ironically it's an expensive one to harvest as well right now. One of the biggest players in solar panel production is BP. Yup, a gas company. It's like when you see the rats abandoning a ship, something's about to happen. |
Gold Member Username: AdddisorderPalm Beach, Florida Post Number: 5668 Registered: Jan-06 | all i know is within a year i will have a truck running on biodiesel and hydrogen ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Kyle_lowePost Number: 728 Registered: Apr-06 | the problem with biodiesel is that as more crops are grown to produce the biodiesel it will decrease the amount of crops that are grown for feeding animals or ourselves. this will then lead to higher food prices. so instead of paying an arm and a leg for fuel it would lead to paying an arm and a leg for food. there are always drawbacks to every seemingly good solution. |
Silver Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 968 Registered: Sep-07 | aint ya ever heard of a garden,my uncle has a 2-4 acre one for just himself |
Silver Member Username: Kyle_lowePost Number: 729 Registered: Apr-06 | thats kind of funny that you think people will grow their own food be realistic now |
Silver Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 969 Registered: Sep-07 | i grow my own food,every family member i have does |
Silver Member Username: Kyle_lowePost Number: 730 Registered: Apr-06 | im not seeing your point here? |
Silver Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 974 Registered: Sep-07 | prob solved to rising food prices lol |
Silver Member Username: Kyle_lowePost Number: 731 Registered: Apr-06 | so you do think that people will grow their own the population increases (which it is expected to level somewhere around 9-10 billion) not only will there be less room for crop growing, but housing buildings will continue to grow higher. which puts more people in, lets say, each square acre. this leads to there being less room for people who live there. so you get an apartment building that is 50 stories high and and lets say 15 rooms on each floor. maybe an average of 2 people per room. that is 1500 people. now think how much food they would have to collectively grow for themselves because there is no room for each of them to grown their own. and even the possibility of those people working together is unrealistic. |
Silver Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 978 Registered: Sep-07 | i thank im not worrying about any of this.u cant stop what happens to what vehicles or food prices,just gotta deal with it |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 11922 Registered: Jun-06 | I wouldn't worry too much about the population explosion. Fast food, cigarettes and mindless wars are evening things out. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Andrew571Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 1347 Registered: Oct-05 | I already gave you small examples in my first post about why Global Warming is pushed onto people. And when I say uneducated idiots im referring to the people that are the same dumb people that look outside During a tornado watch and wonder why its sunny... They think to themselves "Stupid weatherman, theres not even a cloud in the sky". They're the same people who get caught off guard usually. You act like I told you I was an expert, lol. Just because I know more than you about weather doesn't automatically make me an expert pal ;). And if you really want to read about this stuff because you're so interested - I suggest you look it up yourself - I am not here to educate you on climatology Issac, lol. Go to the forums @ and read around - you can learn alot from actual meteorologists and people that have been in the weather field longer than you have known about global warming. I am not on ecoustics to post epiclly long threads to educate a few people on Gloabal Warming. So if you'll excuse me, im going to go outside and stand on the gas pedal for a few hours. Later |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6914 Registered: Nov-04 | I'm not sure if you're smarter than me or not, but that's another discussion. I was hoping to get some links from people that didn't believe in global warming, climate change, or oil crunch. Maybe someone can. Anyhow, I used to be like you in the past, 1 degree is nothing to panic about. Then as you become more aware, you start to see what 1 degree means. Take block of ice, put it in a freezer, put the temperature to ZERO. Leave it for few days. Now raise the temperature by ONE degrees to 1. Wait for few days again. Can you guess what happened to the ice? I hear often from non believers that 1 degree will not make any difference, and use examples such as 30 degrees --> 31 degrees. In this case, sure, no one will complain about it cause you really can't feel 1 degree change. The ice caps in the north, have been frozen for a very long time. With the 1 degree warmup, yes 1 degree, it is melting it, 4x faster than predicted. You can find many links with facts and plenty of proofs on this subject. So if didn't exist, there sure are lot of "fake" scientists and articles on it. When a world comes together to discuss global warming, it has to be serious. This has been an interesting thread. Glad admin didn't move it to OT section or else it would've died a lonely death. I'll post a link of a website that had an article on oil crunch when I find it. Worth reading. |
Bronze Member Username: Fred_sanfordHuntsville, Alabama Usa Post Number: 69 Registered: Nov-07 | global warming is happening, the polar ice caps are melting. but we didn't cause it and we can't change it. global warming is a natural cycle of the sun,want proof? the polar icecap is melting on mars, so I guess the mars rover is running a big @zz diesel engine huh? |
Silver Member Username: Kyle_lowePost Number: 732 Registered: Apr-06 | i think on yahoo it said that there might an asteroid that could hit mars. anyone know about that? |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 7717 Registered: Jul-06 | Who did I get that info from Isaac? My econ teacher who advises Congress on certain issues. He is not affiliated with Congress at all. In fact, he hates all politicians. He tore the government a new one everyday. He gave us fact after fact. That class changed my view on so much stuff. Honestly, I don't believe in global warming and I don't believe we are in any sort of crisis. I wish I could remember the name of the oil field because I would love to inform you and everyone else about it but I just can't remember (I know, I know, how convenient). And you keep on saying just Google it and read it. I can Google it and I guarantee you that I will find as many articles claiming Global Warming to be true as I find how many saying Global Warming to be false. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 7718 Registered: Jul-06 | |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 7719 Registered: Jul-06 | Kyle, here you go bud ng_mars/9811/ |
Gold Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audib... Post Number: 1185 Registered: Mar-07 | ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Andrew571Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 1348 Registered: Oct-05 | Ahhhh irony... What my ride lookt like today. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gold Member Username: JtownTeam Revolution, Texas Post Number: 1420 Registered: Mar-07 | the "change" whether it be completely natural or somewhat expedited by humanity can be seen in parts of america. pretty drastically actually, I've seen a lot of change just in Colorado, as well as been educated on their interpretation of GW in just their state. Seems like things are changing pretty drastically in a short amount of time. Why does it seem like these changes are happening faster than they should be? JW, not taking sides or anything![]() |
Gold Member Username: JkidderGunshine , State Flawda Post Number: 2953 Registered: Nov-05 | lmao nice andrizzle |
Silver Member Username: Bnd_rulezPhoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 927 Registered: Mar-05 | Hahah. Nice pic. |
Silver Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 994 Registered: Sep-07 | lmfao iike the sheet u wrote on the back of your window andrizzle,lol ive beent hanking how is global warmijng affecting us when this winter has actually had some colder days & nights |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6916 Registered: Nov-04 | Global warming/climate change does NOT mean it'll always be hot everywhere. That's a typical mistake lot of people make. You don't think a temperature going from 8 degrees to -20, all within a week or 2, is normal?? I suppose you guys don't believe in ozone layer either right? Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a 3 year old. Yanks, you don't have to believe in anything, that's what freedom is all about. However, when you see many more extremem weather conditions happening more often in the future, I'm sure you and your teacher would be happy to tell everyone that it's not happening, and that if you close your eyes, it'll all go away. This topic is similar to garbage crisis. There are those that care and are doing somethinga about it, and the other side, says there is no problem and turns a blind eye. Depending on how you want to view it, either you will see garbage, or no garbabe. Fred, where have you been last 30 years? What do you think causes global warming? Have you not studied anything in school? I'll give you a big clue, ozone layers. Ice caps melting is part of nature you say, well that's partly true. Some melt, some freeze, like natural cycle, but if you raise the global temperature, you're disturbing the earth's balance. Whenever you do that, you can not say it's part of "natural cycle". Chris stiles, what you're describing is called Climate change. And if you think that's natural cycle, then I have some land in California for sale. Anyhow, it doesn't matter, sooner or later, you will either accept global warming/climate change, or you will have to come up with more excuses to say it's not happening. We will see what the summer brings in 2008. Remember, not all news are "fake" as you claim. |
Silver Member Username: MarcoooPost Number: 149 Registered: Mar-07 | Winter this year in Wisconsin = a little colder and a lot more snow. So thanks to global warming I got to snowboard earlier this year ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 7721 Registered: Jul-06 | Isaac, I don't consider that temperature change abnormal at all. Here in VA, as long as I have lived here for 18 years, on Monday it will be 80 degrees and then 25 degrees by Wednesday. Just the climate I live in. Anyway, if the ice caps melt, I'll have prime real estate cause I will be within 5 miles of the new ocean line ![]() |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6917 Registered: Nov-04 | Well it used to be very normal in Canada. Now it seems to change every week. One day it's +8, then -20 next. As far as I can recall, it all got worse 3-4 years ago. Anyhow, I hope the ice caps won't melt anymore cause it can't be all good news. As I have said before, it's been interesting. It just goes to show you how different opinions we have on this subject. It's almost Christmas so, everyone have a great holidays/Christmas! If you don't celebrate Christmas then too bad! |
Gold Member Username: CblazeRock island, Tenesssee Us Post Number: 1015 Registered: Sep-07 | my opppinion is how are ice caps gonna melt as cold as it is,and it aint been any warmer,just climate jumps |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 11940 Registered: Jun-06 | Global warming involves many elements. The 1-2 degree rise in Earth's temps contributes to the caps melting. All that new water entering the oceans disrupts the climate controling gulf stream. Ironically the theory of global warming actually triggers a premature "ice age". Scientists track the melting and have reported huge ice flows breaking off already. (Square mile chunks). The receading ice is also a concern for such local animal life like polar bears and such. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6918 Registered: Nov-04 | FYI, those ice caps that have already melted away, aren't being replaced by new ice caps cause it's not cold enough. And that's the biggest problem. |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 449 Registered: Feb-07 | Isaac im sick of you basing your arguments on scare tactics. how about you throw some facts in there every once and a while. if you look the average earth temp was higher in the early 1900s than it has been in the past few years. the earth does go through cycles and were just in the period when it is warmer. another thing is when you try to act like what your saying is a fact try to stick to it "and the ice caps melting 4x faster, also isn't happening," "Ice caps are melting 6x faster than predicted by" which one you gonna go by Isaac? get your facts straight |
Silver Member Username: MarcoooPost Number: 160 Registered: Mar-07 | ^x2 Also I remember reading that the particular cycle we're going through is a long one and will end in 2012. And if all the conditions are right, something with the planets or something, that all life will cease to exist. Sounded to me like the theory that the atom bomb could end all life by setting off a chain reaction and split all the atoms on Earth. Possible, but not likely. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6921 Registered: Nov-04 | Scare tactics? Monkeyman do you think this is the army? Man, why don't you spend some time doing reading/researching and less of arguing foolishly? Whether it's 4x or 6x, does it matter? I should've corrected my typing error, it's 4x not 6. Happy now? Did that change anything? If you and Mark want to gang up on me, then feel free to do so. All I ask is, before you guys start the insults, please, and more please, read about the subject before typing. You have no idea how foolish you sound. You talk about "cycles" in your arguments. Do you even know what that is? I'm just awed at how little you 2 guys know. Did you not read Paul's post? He gave you some clues on what global warming is and how 1 or 2 degree change could affect the earth's natural "cycle". Mark, don't get caught up with the hype. It'll do nothing good. Instead, arm yourself with some good old-fashioned thing, called knowledge. Mocking about things you do not know is childish. If you two guys have further things to say, I hope it'll be more intelligent than your last posts. Please don't disappoint me again. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6923 Registered: Nov-04 | ![]() In case you all forget what the battle's all about, look at earth from outer space. Where do you see another planet that looks this good? Whether you believe in global warming/climate change or not, it shoudn't matter. We all need to get passionate when it comes to protecting it. |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 451 Registered: Feb-07 | thats kinda hypocritical there Isaac. first of all scare tactics can be used anywhere so i dont know why your assuming im talking about the army when i use those words. second of all you just repeated what i had said in my previous post. i just asked you to have some facts before you throw your opinion in. and yes 4x and 6x is a big difference i just want you to be sure of what your saying before you say it. third of all you are looking very foolish throwing random things out there with out anything to back them up, not me. forth of all isnt it a little childish of your self to ask me what a cycle is? there is no real necessity of knowledge to know what a cycle is grow up. last of all maybe you should take your own advice and "arm yourself with some good old-fashioned thing, called knowledge." and maybe you meant to say 'a' good old fashion thing? knowledge is one thing you cant have some of one thing. im not trying to start any sht with anyone im just saying when i read debates on a subject it makes me more assured by what the people say who actually throw facts in their statements and dont just try to scare people into believing them... and im sorry if i offended you or "disappointed" you but someone had to call you out... |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 452 Registered: Feb-07 | and in marks case. some of his first words are "I remember reading that the particular cycle we're going through is a long one" thats his way of saying "i actually did research and am presenting it to you" so like i said before try to take your own advice and arm yourself with some knowledge |
Silver Member Username: Bnd_rulezPhoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 936 Registered: Mar-05 | I believe what Paul referred to was the actual movie "The Day After Tomorrow". If thats the case, I will be safe. I would like to see a reference to where you actually found this information. |
Silver Member Username: MarcoooPost Number: 162 Registered: Mar-07 | Isaac I don't really see the point in arguing with you. You're one of those people who thinks they are right no matter what and no amount of evidence however big or small could even get you to think about your POV. A bunch of scientists say this, a bunch of scientists say that, who cares. And you're not even one of those scientists Isaac, so please watch your mouth when it comes to insulting my intelligence. It's really uncalled for and coming from you it's actually quite ironic. Your posts aren't any more intelligent than mine, all they consist of is some fact you forget to cite or just another article you pull of the web. This thread has lost its real purpose. Now it's just Isaac spewing out garbage and calling it fact and him playing down anyone's intelligence who dares confront him. So this will be my last post on this thread. I'm just going to pull an Isaac say "I'm right your wrong, I'm smart your not" PS You and McCarthy have a lot of things in common. Someone would make an argument against McCarthy and he'd call them a Commie. Someone makes an argument against you and you say they're just anther person ignoring everything and doing what the government tells them to. Just an observation. |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 11950 Registered: Jun-06 | quickly off Wikipedia: "Projected climate changes due to global warming have the potential to lead to future large-scale and possibly irreversible effects at continental and global scales. The likelihood, magnitude, and timing is uncertain and controversial, but some examples of projected climate changes include significant slowing of the ocean circulation that transports warm water to the North Atlantic, large reductions in the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets, accelerated global warming due to carbon cycle feedbacks in the terrestrial biosphere, and releases of terrestrial carbon from permafrost regions and methane from hydrates in coastal sediments." Another: "In historic times, glaciers grew during a cool period from about 1550 to 1850 known as the Little Ice Age. Subsequently, until about 1940, glaciers around the world retreated as the climate warmed. Glacier retreat declined and reversed in many cases from 1950 to 1980 as a slight global cooling occurred. Since 1980, glacier retreat has become increasingly rapid and ubiquitous, and has threatened the existence of many of the glaciers of the world. This process has increased markedly since 1995. [33] Excluding the ice caps and ice sheets of the Arctic and Antarctic, the total surface area of glaciers worldwide has decreased by 50% since the end of the 19th century [34]. Currently glacier retreat rates and mass balance losses have been increasing in the Andes, Alps, Himalayas, Rocky Mountains and North Cascades. " The entire article: It's hard to imagine this ISN'T happening. |
Silver Member Username: Bnd_rulezPhoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 937 Registered: Mar-05 | I guess we're all doomed. C'est le vie. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6926 Registered: Nov-04 | Monkeyman and Mark, I still haven't seen anything constructive from you guys. I guess you can act childish and nip pick on petty things like cheap lawyers. I really am trying not to use the word "idiot" on you and Mark but it's getting very hard. Just what is the problem with you 2? What part don't you get? Let me put it in a way, even a dumb puck can understand with an IQ of 1. A bank tells you one day, they are going to charge you 6x the normal interest cause they didn't like your face. So you make a stink and have the rate dropped to 4x. Do you now pat yourself on the back and celebrate? How stupid would you look if you did that? Instead of throwing insults, why don't you posted anything intelligent? Show me if you know what global warming/climate change/ozone layer/natural cycle means IN YOUR OWN WORDS. So far you've avoided anything factual nor going into detail of any sort. I'm still amazed how you 2 baboons can skip over Paul's posts with links and still argue? I guess maybe you 2 didn't wanted to learn anything in the first place. This brings me back some memories. I remember what Glasswolf had endure in the past cause of idiots who thought they knew everything. Like they say, little knowledge can be very dangerous. Anyways I'm done arguing with you 2. Be gone and go celebrate Christmas. |
Gold Member Username: Nyyfan13Fi SSD USA Post Number: 7725 Registered: Jul-06 | That is life Govmint, that is life. |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 454 Registered: Feb-07 | what the f^ck are you talking about Isaac? i dont see any childish acting coming from me or mark and in no case should you try to call us idiots without looking like one in the process. its pretty sad that you are trying to cover yourself by making up some stupid comparison. that was one little thing that i called you out on. stop dwelling on it just get over yourself. what paul is doing is the exact opposite of what your doing. he is giving straight facts to back himself up. but he is also saying that different scientists have different pov's. im believing the ones who are saying its a cycle and hes believing the ones who say its global warming. thats great i appreciate and respect him for doing what i have been asking you to do this whole time. like i said before i am not starting and sh!t so stop getting so defensive. also i would like you to re read my previous posts and pick out anything that i have said that is either childish or stupid. please. i would love to know what i have said. all in all. i thank paul for putting time into proving his points and having factual backup. i wish you would have been more like that isaac so none of this would have been started. another thing is please stop the name calling and grow up. all you are doing is constantly making yourself more and more hypocritical.... |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 455 Registered: Feb-07 | im sorry it was mark who said POV not paul. either way its all true |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6930 Registered: Nov-04 | Monkeyman, why don't you pucking go read before making stupid comments? Seriously, go read. After that, tell me which part I said was incorrect. What in the world are you talking about? You nip pick on little things, and yet, you have provided absolutely nothing on the subject. Why are you stalling? If you disagree with what I said, then go ahead and dispute it. Just stop his "childish" behaviour. What have you been asking me this "whole" time? All I recall is seeing you jumping on this thread and acting like a beeatch in heat. I hate to stoop to your immature level, but you're asking for it. Now stop this stupid insanity and make a point. Stop beeatching and make sense. Ask or post whatever your heart desires. In fact, ask me a question. I'll gladly answer and will back it up with facts. You said you called me out? On what? 4x or 6x? Get over it! Don't be a d i c k. I clearly gave you an example. Man you are hopeless. Call me out anytime, just make sure you have a point. How come you've never answered any of my questions? Scroll up and read. Prove to me you can read. I can't believe you're still stuck on a little typing error. Such an immature p r i c k. I don't normally go off on anyone, but since you insist on ruining my Christmas, so be it. I am calling you out. Now shut up and walk the walk. |
Silver Member Username: M0nkeyman692Post Number: 456 Registered: Feb-07 | im done arguing with you because you everything your saying is referring to yourself. i brought up the 4x and 6x thing once... you have brought it up multiple times... i do not nip pick on anything besides that one thing. like you said get over it. ive read and re read mine and your posts multiple times and i have answered everything that you have asked and brought up. again.. none of my comments are stupid or immature so stop saying that ... all you are doing is making your self look like a d i c k. all you are doing is taking what i have said and are saying it to me. telling me to get facts is the most hypocritical thing you can do. this whole time i have been asking you to get some facts so there you go that was my big question. again. b itch in heat.? wtf is wrong with you? im calling you out not being a b itch... nothing i have said is immature so go re read my posts and prove me wrong. if you knew how to read you would understand that everything im saying is making sense so chill out. like mark said you are the one who is hopeless because your always right... ive stated my points and called you out clearly so again learn to read and get some comprehension skills i think they give them to you in 3rd grade or something? maybe you werent there that day... too bad. obviously your the one stuck on the past and cant get over making a mistake. i brought up the times thing once. it is over. please. if walking the walk is acting like you then i would rather not. im going to be the bigger man and just say this. i am sorry for making your christmas stressful or bad. the last thing i would want to do is make is so someone doesnt have good christmas.. no matter how arrogant they are or how rude or hypocritical they are.. please have a merry christmas and lets all get over this. like mark said im just going to stop posting on this thread because its not at its origional point of purpose anymore. lets agree to disagree and all have a good xmas. and please grow up and just try to admit when your wrong or at fault. it makes everything easier. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 6934 Registered: Nov-04 | Man, why don't you stop being a beeatch and start making sense. Starting now, post facts. If you disagree, then back it up with proof. What's with this "being always right" $hit? What does it matter who's right and wrong? If you disagree, then say something constructive. I said, the ice caps are melting 4x faster than predicted. Global warming/climate change/ozone layer do exist. Now if you have different opinions, then post it and stop beeatching. Now show me you can talk with some intelligence. Can you do that or do we have to go back to previous posts and nip pick again. |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 11965 Registered: Jun-06 | Merry Christmas to all. "Holiday E hug" ![]() Let's move on shall we?? ![]() |