What Do I Look For In A Box


Bronze Member
Username: Comerz

Post Number: 82
Registered: Nov-07
Earlier on I ordered up the 606D hif amp and 12" alpine type R for a starter setup.

Im getting my box made by my local audio shop. The buddy there seems to know his stuff, he is in competitions and says he usually wins, etc.

A couple mothes ago they tried to sell me a crap sub. Im just worried about them trying to make a box thats crap.

What do i look for so i know im getting the best box for this setup?

I heard u have to have it tuned, and ported is good. I also heard its got to be big enough, how big should it be around for one 12"?

Also what should i have it tuned at/what else do i look for?

I know this is a lot of questions, but if someone could answer them for me that qould be awesome.

I jus wanna make sure i get what i pay for ya know?

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 4496
Registered: Jul-06
How much are they going to charge you for this?

Before you buy this I'd recommend going to www.fishercustoms.com and get a quote from Fisher. He makes great quality boxes, and may give you a better deal. (his prices are hard to beat for the quality of the work)

Bronze Member
Username: Comerz

Post Number: 83
Registered: Nov-07
sounds good thanks man

Bronze Member
Username: Vtouch06

Q-TowN, PiStoLvAniA

Post Number: 68
Registered: Nov-07
or www.woodlawncabinetry.com <- from personal experience....n his boxes r 155 with carpet and everything plus shipping a special xmas thing, i think he said.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 4501
Registered: Jul-06
^^^^^^ LMAO how can you give out a quote when your not the builder
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